Hospital pictures to follow. Probably.
It's raining, again. 6 out of 7 days it has rained since the boys got out of school for 6 weeks...little boys have a habit of amusing themselves. What can you do? They are having isn't costing anything. I am debating whether to show them how to slide downstairs on a mattress...what do you think?

They also do this thing where they run as fast as they can towards a wall and then run up it, but those pictures looked really as though we were encouraging self harm!
Who'd have thought so much fun could be had without leaving the house?

They also do this thing where they run as fast as they can towards a wall and then run up it, but those pictures looked really as though we were encouraging self harm!
Who'd have thought so much fun could be had without leaving the house?
Labels: happy stuff
Those boys are having some serious fun (and honestly...I think I might like to try it!)
my boys would be doing the exact same thing if our house was laid out like that. As it is, they tend to bring all their comforters and blankets and make "a swimming pool" in the middle of my living room floor.
It IS sunny here though - so i'm making them play outside. Save the rainy day fun for.....a rainy day.
Sending you some sunshiny vibes. We've had more rain this summer than I ever remember in my life!!
Oh and how Eli is climbing the stairs in that last pic -That's what Joey does all the time now! fun.
They are so bored that they are climbing the walls! Get it? Climbing the walls.(I made a funny, kinda sorta)
My kids are insanely jealous at how high up the walls your boys can get :) They've been doing this in the door frames for a little while now, but never get that high :)
ah they are having fun. Blake and nathan are jelous as our house isnt laid out where they an climb like that. though they do have a spot on the stairs where they jump from a landing to the bottom. Boys will be boys :)
YAY for ingenious little boys :)
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