Pick on someone your own size!
I'm going to get this off my chest. I feel a guilty in a huge way because this has only truly bugged me since Dan came 'out', before then I didn't give it too much, if any thought. At least I can say that in not giving it much thought I wasn't guilty of joining in.
In what? I hear you yell in frustration at my not getting to the point.
WHY oh WHY, when there is any kind of horror or tragedy of the enormous natural kind is it immediately blamed on gay people?
AIDS...oh ho...that'll be God showing us how evil gay people are and wiping them out in a miserable and horrifying way. Whoops, made a mistake as even innocent babies are dying, hetrosexuals living God's way are dying....humph, God doesn't make mistakes, ever, so that must be stupid people making mistakes and being judgemental and yikes.... they'd better watch out in case God sends a horrible plague to teach the nasty narrow minded people a lesson.
The latest and horrific nightmare in New Orleans.....can you believe that it is, by some, being blamed on gay people again...God wanted to wipe out the evil gay people again, a gay festival was about to be held so of course God set out to punish the gays who thought to bring such evil to the state. Hmmm wonder why He didn't wait til the festival was in full swing and then He'd have been able to really do some damage and get a whole load of gays all at once!
I can understand perhaps that the odd individual might think bizarre things but when these things are said by supposedly God fearing and God worshipping people I am more than infuriated.
The first and foremost thing that we learn about God is that He made us.
We are taught as children that He loves us.
We are told repeatedly that we are to love one another.
We shouldn't judge.
God loves us. ALL OF US. EQUALLY. Now it is pretty hard to take in that He loves the truly wicked people as much as the near perfect ones, but He does. He knows each and every one of us and knows the WHOLE story. This is why He has told us that WE are to love one another, WE are to forgive one another, not judge, not hate.
One of the greatest gifts we have is free will, Heavenly Father has given every one of us the right to choose how we live our lives and nothing could be greater..now, if He gave us this gift, do you suppose that He gave it with the proviso that if he didn't agree or like what we did with our lives He would come down and wipe us off the face of the earth? Absolutely not matey.
I'm pretty sure that if that was the case, if God is in His heaven looking down on us and thinking " Hmmmmm, that behaviour is making me pretty mad, think I'll nip down and smite them" He would make a bee line for pedophiles, rapists, murderers, abusers.......why in the name of all that's bloody ridiculous would He waltz right past that bunch of ( oh shoot, better stop before I sound judgemental and call that kettle black, not that there is anything wrong with black kettles of course but you get my drift) to wipe out a group of people that He made, who just happen to be attracted to others of the same sex?
Yes I understand that it can be a bit freaky to imagine if you are totally heterosexual, the very thought of me having to 'get jiggy' with a bosom is enough to make my legs get the collywobbles.Don't even begin to make me think about anything lower down than a bosom or I will have the vapours.( although I will admit that a nice flat tummy is quite attractive so there's room for a bit of female adulation in me I suppose)
I also know that among the gay population there are bound to be some really scarey and bad people - but they are NOT bad because they are gay, they are bad because they are bad.
I absolutely and categorically will not believe that any disasters have been sent to this earth purely because of homosexuality. Listed in the bible are many sins that angered God enough to make him send the first and only flood to destroy all mankid and the list is long and detailed...it doesn't say " Let God destroy all the gay people" Actually it does mention false prophets a fair bit and people who speak of God's will falsely...whoa, does that mean He is angered by people using His name to spread lies and falsehoods?
I think so, but I don't know enough to say for sure.
I can't say what God wants, thinks, feels or does unless I have had first hand experience and can bear testimony to it. I have had first hand experience of God's miracles, He has stepped in and taken my hand more times than I can recall. I know that He loves ME. I know that he gave me my children and He loves them, all of them. I know, without even needing to think, that God is a fair and loving God.
I know that I was given my children by a God who knows me and knows what I am capable of. Just as I love my children, even when they are really pushing every button I have. Just as I love the easy going ones as much as the funny ones as much as the strong willed and feisty ones, I know that God loves us all the same. He might not like what we do, He may wish we did things differently ... I would put money on the fact that He weeps over the children He has lost to evil and greed but I know He loves us all. He will deal with us all, in His way, on His terms and in His time.
I pity beyond explaination, anyone who really believes that the God they worship would pick out one aspect of humanity and bellow damnation? who would choose to worship a God who throws aside any good, any great and marvellous traits or personalities purely because of a persons sexuality? I wish I could show these people MY God....they would simply love to know Him, just as I do.
In what? I hear you yell in frustration at my not getting to the point.
WHY oh WHY, when there is any kind of horror or tragedy of the enormous natural kind is it immediately blamed on gay people?
AIDS...oh ho...that'll be God showing us how evil gay people are and wiping them out in a miserable and horrifying way. Whoops, made a mistake as even innocent babies are dying, hetrosexuals living God's way are dying....humph, God doesn't make mistakes, ever, so that must be stupid people making mistakes and being judgemental and yikes.... they'd better watch out in case God sends a horrible plague to teach the nasty narrow minded people a lesson.
The latest and horrific nightmare in New Orleans.....can you believe that it is, by some, being blamed on gay people again...God wanted to wipe out the evil gay people again, a gay festival was about to be held so of course God set out to punish the gays who thought to bring such evil to the state. Hmmm wonder why He didn't wait til the festival was in full swing and then He'd have been able to really do some damage and get a whole load of gays all at once!
I can understand perhaps that the odd individual might think bizarre things but when these things are said by supposedly God fearing and God worshipping people I am more than infuriated.
The first and foremost thing that we learn about God is that He made us.
We are taught as children that He loves us.
We are told repeatedly that we are to love one another.
We shouldn't judge.
God loves us. ALL OF US. EQUALLY. Now it is pretty hard to take in that He loves the truly wicked people as much as the near perfect ones, but He does. He knows each and every one of us and knows the WHOLE story. This is why He has told us that WE are to love one another, WE are to forgive one another, not judge, not hate.
One of the greatest gifts we have is free will, Heavenly Father has given every one of us the right to choose how we live our lives and nothing could be greater..now, if He gave us this gift, do you suppose that He gave it with the proviso that if he didn't agree or like what we did with our lives He would come down and wipe us off the face of the earth? Absolutely not matey.
I'm pretty sure that if that was the case, if God is in His heaven looking down on us and thinking " Hmmmmm, that behaviour is making me pretty mad, think I'll nip down and smite them" He would make a bee line for pedophiles, rapists, murderers, abusers.......why in the name of all that's bloody ridiculous would He waltz right past that bunch of ( oh shoot, better stop before I sound judgemental and call that kettle black, not that there is anything wrong with black kettles of course but you get my drift) to wipe out a group of people that He made, who just happen to be attracted to others of the same sex?
Yes I understand that it can be a bit freaky to imagine if you are totally heterosexual, the very thought of me having to 'get jiggy' with a bosom is enough to make my legs get the collywobbles.Don't even begin to make me think about anything lower down than a bosom or I will have the vapours.( although I will admit that a nice flat tummy is quite attractive so there's room for a bit of female adulation in me I suppose)
I also know that among the gay population there are bound to be some really scarey and bad people - but they are NOT bad because they are gay, they are bad because they are bad.
I absolutely and categorically will not believe that any disasters have been sent to this earth purely because of homosexuality. Listed in the bible are many sins that angered God enough to make him send the first and only flood to destroy all mankid and the list is long and detailed...it doesn't say " Let God destroy all the gay people" Actually it does mention false prophets a fair bit and people who speak of God's will falsely...whoa, does that mean He is angered by people using His name to spread lies and falsehoods?
I think so, but I don't know enough to say for sure.
I can't say what God wants, thinks, feels or does unless I have had first hand experience and can bear testimony to it. I have had first hand experience of God's miracles, He has stepped in and taken my hand more times than I can recall. I know that He loves ME. I know that he gave me my children and He loves them, all of them. I know, without even needing to think, that God is a fair and loving God.
I know that I was given my children by a God who knows me and knows what I am capable of. Just as I love my children, even when they are really pushing every button I have. Just as I love the easy going ones as much as the funny ones as much as the strong willed and feisty ones, I know that God loves us all the same. He might not like what we do, He may wish we did things differently ... I would put money on the fact that He weeps over the children He has lost to evil and greed but I know He loves us all. He will deal with us all, in His way, on His terms and in His time.
I pity beyond explaination, anyone who really believes that the God they worship would pick out one aspect of humanity and bellow damnation? who would choose to worship a God who throws aside any good, any great and marvellous traits or personalities purely because of a persons sexuality? I wish I could show these people MY God....they would simply love to know Him, just as I do.

I think it's just people with nothing better to do then to find a way to justify their own hate, in the most pious way possible.
If God really wanted to punish gay people, he could just make them all disappear at the drop of a hat, and wouldn't bother with natural disasters - seems like a very ineffective way to target a particular segment of the population. Since that hasn't happened, I'm inclined to think that God has placed each individual here on earth for a reason. Gay, or straight, tall or short, fat or thin, the list goes on, and on. We are all loved.
Can you imagine a world without people like Dan?
He is so sweet, and considerate, and good to his brothers; clever and funny; hardworking and all around a decent bloke.
Indeed, the world is a better place because of the Dans in it! I'd choose to live in a world of Dans rather than those hate spouting pious pinheads.
Amen sister!
I heard on an AM station a woman called in and say that New Orleans were asking for it? I almost choked on my toast. That GOD knows what he's doing....Blah Blah Blah. Its people like that who give religion a bad name.
The host of the show freaked out. LOL
I wanted to call and say
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. Bitch."
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