If I could have one......
.......Vain wish, it would be to have lovely thick, shiny, slippy floppy dark hair, the sort that I could scrape my fingers through just as they do on a Pantene advert and have it slip back into glorious place, instead of thick old curly, do what it wants and don't even bother trying anything new type hair. As for scraping my fingers through..Ow, OW ...Bloody ouch! Knots and tangles and enough to make me swear just by combing it. No romantic moments of lovers running fingers through shiny locks...a couple of attempts followed by ouch owing and embarrassed snorting.
.......Materialistic wish, a new car, well a car that is new enough to smell new and to have seats that don't have stains on that you can play guess the shape with. One that is quiet and sort of purrs when running rather than an orchestra of rattles and thumps that become familiar and evoke panic when absent. "what's that noise?" " which noise?" "that kind of thump thump noise that isn't usually there...it's a bit louder than the whirring sound but quieter than the humming / whistling sounds that are always there" " Oh, can't hear it above the kids...."
.......Dreamy wish, that we could always have the weather as it is now, warm, sunny and a great breeze. Windows open weather, let the sun in and the summer air in and dry the washing on the line weather.
In mere weeks I know we will forget that we had this weather, we'll be at the supermarket buying stew vegetables and lisetening to old men complaining that we never had a summer this year. We'll be running to and fro through sideways rain and wind that makes your ears feel as though they are being sliced with rusty razor blades. I love sunshine. I love it.
.......Compassionate wish, it would be that people would just BE more compassionate, just get their hearts opened a bit and see how much nicer life is when we are kind to each other instead of looking out for number one and stomping all over humanity to get what we think we need and deserve.
......Ridiculous wish, it would be that there wouldn't be bad smells. Ewww why do we need horrible smells? I will never see why vomit has to smell like that.
Life should smell like clothes washed in Spring breeze surf and Yellow Lenor softener and then dried outside. It shouldn't have smells like poo and rotten cabbage, ever, for any reason.
.....Selfish wish, oh that would be to be able to drop everything whenever I am tired and be able to take a nap. Never have to slog away at stuff like ironing or school runs or washing dishes , that all that would wait patiently unti I wasn't tired and felt like doing it.
....unselfish wish, that everyone could do the same. ( unless I am taking a nap in which case, wait til I get up you selfish buggers and look after life for me til I get up..whoops, not so unselfish after all !)
.....Miracle wish. Oh if I could have a miracle it would be that Rebekah http://rebekahspage.blogspot.com/ would be well. That her mommy and daddy would wake up and see that this sweet face is healed, that this baby can laugh and yell and shout and be 3, that they could see her have a fantastic 3 year old tantrum and laugh with sheer joy because their baby is well.
That the time we all pray for is here, that Rebekah is healed and well and her parents can take time to see that more than one miracle has happened because as well as being better, this little girl, in her 3 years has made more people see God, turned more hearts to Him in prayer than anyone other one person I can name right now. That when the time comes for Rebekah to be with God ( and may that be so far away that we older people aren't around to see it) He will welcome this child into His arms and tell her that He never left her, that he held her hand and her heart as she battled through this terrible time and turned so many people to Him.
I could live without all the other wishes if I could have the miracle one. In prayer, miracles can, and do, happen, may many continue to pray for this miracle and may we see it soon. God Bless Rebekah, I'm sure He is holding you heart and your hand.
.......Materialistic wish, a new car, well a car that is new enough to smell new and to have seats that don't have stains on that you can play guess the shape with. One that is quiet and sort of purrs when running rather than an orchestra of rattles and thumps that become familiar and evoke panic when absent. "what's that noise?" " which noise?" "that kind of thump thump noise that isn't usually there...it's a bit louder than the whirring sound but quieter than the humming / whistling sounds that are always there" " Oh, can't hear it above the kids...."
.......Dreamy wish, that we could always have the weather as it is now, warm, sunny and a great breeze. Windows open weather, let the sun in and the summer air in and dry the washing on the line weather.
In mere weeks I know we will forget that we had this weather, we'll be at the supermarket buying stew vegetables and lisetening to old men complaining that we never had a summer this year. We'll be running to and fro through sideways rain and wind that makes your ears feel as though they are being sliced with rusty razor blades. I love sunshine. I love it.
.......Compassionate wish, it would be that people would just BE more compassionate, just get their hearts opened a bit and see how much nicer life is when we are kind to each other instead of looking out for number one and stomping all over humanity to get what we think we need and deserve.
......Ridiculous wish, it would be that there wouldn't be bad smells. Ewww why do we need horrible smells? I will never see why vomit has to smell like that.
Life should smell like clothes washed in Spring breeze surf and Yellow Lenor softener and then dried outside. It shouldn't have smells like poo and rotten cabbage, ever, for any reason.
.....Selfish wish, oh that would be to be able to drop everything whenever I am tired and be able to take a nap. Never have to slog away at stuff like ironing or school runs or washing dishes , that all that would wait patiently unti I wasn't tired and felt like doing it.
....unselfish wish, that everyone could do the same. ( unless I am taking a nap in which case, wait til I get up you selfish buggers and look after life for me til I get up..whoops, not so unselfish after all !)
.....Miracle wish. Oh if I could have a miracle it would be that Rebekah http://rebekahspage.blogspot.com/ would be well. That her mommy and daddy would wake up and see that this sweet face is healed, that this baby can laugh and yell and shout and be 3, that they could see her have a fantastic 3 year old tantrum and laugh with sheer joy because their baby is well.
That the time we all pray for is here, that Rebekah is healed and well and her parents can take time to see that more than one miracle has happened because as well as being better, this little girl, in her 3 years has made more people see God, turned more hearts to Him in prayer than anyone other one person I can name right now. That when the time comes for Rebekah to be with God ( and may that be so far away that we older people aren't around to see it) He will welcome this child into His arms and tell her that He never left her, that he held her hand and her heart as she battled through this terrible time and turned so many people to Him.

I could live without all the other wishes if I could have the miracle one. In prayer, miracles can, and do, happen, may many continue to pray for this miracle and may we see it soon. God Bless Rebekah, I'm sure He is holding you heart and your hand.
my miracle wish is the same as yours
Ditto on your wish for precious Rebekah!
You have put into beautiful words what my wish is for Rebekah. Wow, I am in awe of your poetic and peaceful way of bringing light to her situation.
Very well said Helen. I also wish for a miracle for Rebekah.
Helen, you are eloquent, and beautiful in your own right! My prayer is that your miracle wish is fulfilled!
and maybe a new car sent your way ;)
love ya
Oh your words touched the very core of my being.
With Rebekah only living a few minutes from me, and being the same age as my oldest, my heart has been breaking for her.
Thank You Helen.
My wish is for all your wishes to come true.:)
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