That's what I call a cure!
It's a miracle...I am cured, no headache, slightly spongey brain with a kind of spaced out feeling but no pain....oh sweet joy life is worth living again. I will share with you the miracle that swept my brain swelling, meninges bubbling, oh please let me curl up and die headache but don't be thinking you can shoot off to Walgreens, Boots or even walmart and pick some up.
Bizarre as it may sound, through the whole 4 day nightmare of feeling as if my befuddled brain was about to burst it's way through my touch sensitive scalp, somehow I was aware that slightly south of the pain was a feeling that didn't hurt but actually promised to be quite pleasant if I could have made my uncooperative mouth work well enough to convey to H that his body was needed ... I knew what the feeling was but was so wracked with thumping agony it was too ridiculous to give way to.......sorry H, I have a headache, what drugs have you got?
Last night, having taken some aspirin, dihydrocodiene, tylenol and ibuprofen and beginning to feel rather floaty in a pounding head but who cares kind of way.....H came to tell me he was heading to bed and gave me the gentlest of face strokes and said " how ya doin'? ( I love his somehow kind of Texan y'all accent, even though he was raised in L.A the 2 years he spent in Texas left behind a bit of a sexy drawl) you look as if you might be feelin' a bit better"
Ahhh , he has the nicest hands, he is gentle and so undemanding....stroke my face some more husband, I said, in fact let me just lie down with you and .......... WHEY HEY!! Blimey, healing hands ( or something, might not have been his hands that delivered the absolute cure all) GONE! Not a trace of that evil head pain, nothing, better, healed.......therefore proving, I suppose, the doctors diagnosis of the headache being stress related. I got me relaxed and it was fun!
So, sorry girls, for any of you pleading headaches as a reason to not get down and dirty with the husband after a long day of being a mum / wife/ breadwinner...... I have to tell you that it's a bloody miracle, throw out the asprin and get your man busy....I'm thinking I might have to subscribe to some more of that cure just in case the headache might come back!
Bizarre as it may sound, through the whole 4 day nightmare of feeling as if my befuddled brain was about to burst it's way through my touch sensitive scalp, somehow I was aware that slightly south of the pain was a feeling that didn't hurt but actually promised to be quite pleasant if I could have made my uncooperative mouth work well enough to convey to H that his body was needed ... I knew what the feeling was but was so wracked with thumping agony it was too ridiculous to give way to.......sorry H, I have a headache, what drugs have you got?
Last night, having taken some aspirin, dihydrocodiene, tylenol and ibuprofen and beginning to feel rather floaty in a pounding head but who cares kind of way.....H came to tell me he was heading to bed and gave me the gentlest of face strokes and said " how ya doin'? ( I love his somehow kind of Texan y'all accent, even though he was raised in L.A the 2 years he spent in Texas left behind a bit of a sexy drawl) you look as if you might be feelin' a bit better"
Ahhh , he has the nicest hands, he is gentle and so undemanding....stroke my face some more husband, I said, in fact let me just lie down with you and .......... WHEY HEY!! Blimey, healing hands ( or something, might not have been his hands that delivered the absolute cure all) GONE! Not a trace of that evil head pain, nothing, better, healed.......therefore proving, I suppose, the doctors diagnosis of the headache being stress related. I got me relaxed and it was fun!
So, sorry girls, for any of you pleading headaches as a reason to not get down and dirty with the husband after a long day of being a mum / wife/ breadwinner...... I have to tell you that it's a bloody miracle, throw out the asprin and get your man busy....I'm thinking I might have to subscribe to some more of that cure just in case the headache might come back!

WooHoo Helen!! I can never use the headache excuse. Al always replies with "Well, you know the best thing for a headache don'tcha?" He's right, it usually does work ;)
SO glad you had some fun 'getting better' :)
Well yeah...headaches are due to a restricted blood flow to the brain.
What else is gonna get your blood pumping like mad? LOL
Yay for you Helen. I am so SO sorry that you had to endure four days of hellish misery. I truly understand.
I am so glad that you feel better.
I, too, have the spacey mush brain feeling today.
Glorious, isn't it? lol
I swear there was something in the air making all the men frisky last night!
Glad you're feeling better.. I just HATE migraines :(
hee hee hee Helen - Thats so funny. It's actually an inside joke with Chris and I - the ol' Hey, I've got a cure for that headache.
Must have been something in the air - because he was putting the moves on me last night too! ;)
Now make sure you take your medicine faithfully!! ;)
glad you are feeling better !
Heh Heh Heh...shot of petercillan....sorry couldn't refuse.
Yeah! A good man with good hands....isn't that the solution to all of lifes problems?
Be Blessed!
Way too much information!!!!
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