Some more stuff you can live without knowing.

Due to the obvious success of my 'cheat' entry about totally unimportant things you can live without knowing, here are some more...maybe this is my way of doing the 100 things about me thing without actually listing them all at once and boring you til you chew your own kneecaps off.
I am Jes' twin in that I have very long hair that is ALWAYS up in a ponytail! I hate having it on my face, why don't I get it cut? Maybe I jolly well will, any day now!
I gag at the thought of ketchup on fried egg, even seeing yellow and red paint together will make me heave as it makes me think of ketchup and egg.
But I LOVE ketchup on omelette. ( how is that spelled? Omlette? Ommlete?! the more you write a weird word the weirder it looks!!)
I forget to breathe all the time, even in my sleep.
I love kissing.
I hate white rice unless it is covered with a delicious sauce of some kind but my whole family loves it, blurgh, bowls of plain white rice..WHY?!?
I love old people and very young people but the ones in between get on my nerves a lot.
I hate it that people think that to be spiritual means you can't have fun. I grew up with people almost falling over when they discovered I was religious and saying things like " but you're FUNNY! How can you be religious!?"
Even though I am so shy it hurts and to have to talk to someone I don't know makes me shake with fear, I can stand up in front of huge crowds and talk without a tremor of weird is that?
I wish I could play the piano, in fact I know that I CAN play I just haven't worked out how yet. I would love to learn how.
My parents are the most honourable people I have ever known.
Today, as I waited for Seth to come out of his classroom, I was watching him when he didn't know I was there and my whole soul melted at how cute this boy is, he looked up and saw me and said " Oh, I see my mummy!" I had the hugest thrill at the knowledge that I am his mummy and was overwhelmed with gratitude.

I will never , ever, understand Reeses' peanut butter cups. Actually I will never understand Reeces' peanut anything.
If I had had any more Boys I would have used the names Ezra and Abraham.
Girls would have been Scarlett and Ruby. ( can you imagine a baby girl like my little boys with that dark skin, big brown eyes called Ruby? Divine)
I can't wait to be Sophie's friend, I think it will happen when she is a mother herself.
I really, REALLY hate filling in forms but seem to have to do it ALL the time.
I don't want to go blind.
I am impatience personified.
I used to have beautiful handwriting but now I never write anything, bad computer!!
I love singing hymns. Especially when I am mad...definately soothes the savage beast.
I hate Jazz music, it makes me want to punch someone very hard.
I love bluegrass.
I am tired and am going to bed. Night night. ( I bet I am up again in 15 minutes......grrrrrrr!)
6 Comments: made me tear up with that comment about your precious little boy! He is absoultely darling!!!
So here's my question. Most of your children's names are names from the Bible. Is that intentional? But Scarlett & ruby aren't. Peculiar. Just a question. :)
And it will happen with you and Sophie. Trust me. I was a hellion on wheels when I was a teenager. (Ok...not an absolute terror, but I had my moments and my mom & i did NOT get along!!) But now...oh now...I could not live without my mom. She is my best friend. And it didn't happen until I met my husband...I was in college and started to really grow up. I realized that she was a great great woman. I know that moment will happen with Sophie. She just needs to come into her own and she will realize what a prize her mother is.
is there an echo in here? Cause I swear that what Carn wrote were my EXACT thoughts!!
Helen, you make my soul smile.
Funny how the only biblical girls name I ever fell in love with is Hannah, I love that name. When we found out seth was a boy, not a girl H's only comment was " as long as the name isn't biblical I will probably like it!" Ha...can't get much more biblical than our boys names can you? H's choices for our boys names were Bobby ( remember he already has a Robby!!) Johnny and Jim.
Hey I just did a whole blog on spelling and stuff....
Whats to understand about Reeses Peanut Butter Cups? They are chocolate and peanut butter - Mmmmmm delicious combonation IMO. I love the ones that are a little more heavy on the chocolate of course. The peanut butter is actually a peanut butter tasting concoction that is sweeter than real peanut butter, so it goes well with the chocolate.
Seth IS divine. I absolutely know that feeling of staring at this gorgeous creation you've made and feeling that secret little thrill that they belong to you, and that you are their mommy. Comforting to know that to our little boys, we are the most beautiful woman on earth!
LMBO, the word verification I got this time was "Pfoot" - sounds like something I say quite a bit ;)
Great list, I hate ketchup on fried eggs but love it on omelettes and scrambled.
Re: rice..Gotta just hate it when the whole family loves something that you hate. And Vice versa I hate it when you love to eat something they hate.
"I hate Jazz music, it makes me want to punch someone very hard."
OMG! I hate it too, my Richard loves it...even plays in a Jazz band. I suffer in silence with it because I want to seem supportive...
I love Basmati rice only, but it must have plain yogurt and salt and pepper on it....go figure.
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