I found something! ( and another something! *ETA)
So, I have something un-Sophie or health related. Life is good, or it would be......if my beloved Croc flip flops weren't involved!!
Yesterday I went into my bedroom and was immediately struck by the heat, furnace type heat, stuffy can't catch your breath heat. What in the world? Could hear an unfamiliar noise too....what? Where? I stood and took in the scene, big pillows from the bed on the floor, well I had a nap so that's why they were there but what IS that noise? And the heat???
Nobody ( naturally) will admit to it but my hairdryer was plugged in, turned on and left on full blast UNDER A CUSHION! I can't tell you how hot that cushion was, how hot the hairdryer was and how close a house fire was!
I turned off, unplugged, said a prayer of thanks and let it go, all is well.
Today, I just got dressed, lovely day, I shall wear my crocs flip flops, my adored and heaven;t comfy brown crocs flip flops....ah, right foot, bliss, left foot...won't fit. Try really hard to make it fit....no way. Hmmmmmm.
My camera won't work because it keeps telling me the card is locked....but one of my precious flip flops has melted! It is at least an inch shorter and the V shaped bit that goes between my toes and over my foot is so shrunken and misshapen....I guess the heat must have hit my poor flip flop that was under the window in line of the hairdryer....it is too comical to be cross about and I shall just add croc flip flops to my shopping list for Boston, shouldn't be too hard to gab a pair when I am there. I wish I could take a picture though...any ideas why my camera card is saying it's locked?

And hoorah for readers who know about little sliding locking things on the side of cards! Thankyou.
Stomach is better today, can breathe and eat a little, even drink. Life feels better. *exhale*
Conversation yesterday.
"It's gramma's birthday today"
Isaac....." Today? Wow, 7o years old today, what a bargain!"
How cute is that? She hardly costs us a thing yet she is just so handy and fun to have around!
Yesterday I went into my bedroom and was immediately struck by the heat, furnace type heat, stuffy can't catch your breath heat. What in the world? Could hear an unfamiliar noise too....what? Where? I stood and took in the scene, big pillows from the bed on the floor, well I had a nap so that's why they were there but what IS that noise? And the heat???
Nobody ( naturally) will admit to it but my hairdryer was plugged in, turned on and left on full blast UNDER A CUSHION! I can't tell you how hot that cushion was, how hot the hairdryer was and how close a house fire was!
I turned off, unplugged, said a prayer of thanks and let it go, all is well.
Today, I just got dressed, lovely day, I shall wear my crocs flip flops, my adored and heaven;t comfy brown crocs flip flops....ah, right foot, bliss, left foot...won't fit. Try really hard to make it fit....no way. Hmmmmmm.
My camera won't work because it keeps telling me the card is locked....but one of my precious flip flops has melted! It is at least an inch shorter and the V shaped bit that goes between my toes and over my foot is so shrunken and misshapen....I guess the heat must have hit my poor flip flop that was under the window in line of the hairdryer....it is too comical to be cross about and I shall just add croc flip flops to my shopping list for Boston, shouldn't be too hard to gab a pair when I am there. I wish I could take a picture though...any ideas why my camera card is saying it's locked?

And hoorah for readers who know about little sliding locking things on the side of cards! Thankyou.
Stomach is better today, can breathe and eat a little, even drink. Life feels better. *exhale*
Conversation yesterday.
"It's gramma's birthday today"
Isaac....." Today? Wow, 7o years old today, what a bargain!"
How cute is that? She hardly costs us a thing yet she is just so handy and fun to have around!
Labels: funny stuff
so sorry about your shoe! thank goodness for boston trips!
and i don't know what kind of card you have but my SD cards have a itsy bitsy switch on the side for locked or unlocked. the card is blue & the switch is gray if that helps any.
I had that stomach thing yesterday. I think by the insomnia I had last night, that it might be anxiety. Funny shoe, not so funny hair dryer. Check your camera settings menu to unlock the card or it could be a little notch that is moved up or down on the side of the card itself.
Good that you can laugh about the shoe. And so glad you found the hair dryer!
good you can laugh about your shoe.
oh your poor crocs! We'll have to find you some nice red ones (I quite like the red flips.. very Asian).. hmm we'll have to find me some nice red ones too :)
You can just shrink a foot too? To save some money :). lol. I am glad that something brought a smile to your face. You deserve a whole lot of smiles :)
Too bad about the shrunken croc! Maybe if you put it in hot water it would come back to the orgininal size. Those things are expensive! My daughter has a pair like yours, and she took them to Central America with her and they were out wading in the marshes and she was more worried about the crocs on her feet than the ones in the water!
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Mum yesterday. She is one year younger than me. I was seventy one years young this past Sunday! .....still finding joy in my journey!!!!
Oh how sad! Your poor shoe!! But, like Julie said...a nice pair of Red ones!! Now there's compensation for a melted croc!! Hooray! Glad you were able to stop the fire before it started!
I've never seen crocs like those! I'd even wear them. I might just have to find me some when we go to Boston.
That Isaac is a gem. And gorgeous to boot!
I'm sorry about your crocs. I say ebay them! Someone must have odd sized feet. Then take the money and buy new ones when you come here! Problem solved! Ta da!
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