Put 'em up, Harry Rogers!

I can't describe adequately enough what absolute and complete joy there is to be had by simply watching little people be little people, no wonder then that we are told by great and wise religious teachers throughout time to be like little children.
I adore the non judgemental and non prejudiced way very young children see things and live their lives ( if allowed) .
Harry Rogers came for tea. Marvellous, we are very keen on Harry Rogers this week, there was great excitement at his coming for tea. He was chosen above Solomon who was best friend last week but is a bit shy about coming for tea at our house ( sensible boy Solomon, you'll see why your instincts served you well soon enough!) but even if he wasn't shy he was absolutely and definately only coming AFTER Harry Rogers ( who must be called Harry Rogers as there are 2 Harry's in Seth's class and we must at all times remember that the Harry coming to tea is HARRY ROGERS. Thankyou.)
Spaghetti for dinner, no sauce for Seth, plenty for Harry Rogers and Isaac. Harry Rogers doesn't like fruit salad so he had strawberries, grapes, apples, cherries and banana instead. ( mixed in a bowl but not called fruit salad so it was delicious. )
Now, Seth is a bit titchy, weighs 30 lbs ( on a good day after plenty of pasta) and is at a guess 3' and a bit- but not a big bit. Harry Rogers is a sturdy boy, good solid stuff and is quite splendid, Seth looks a bit like a sparrow next to Harry Rogers who could be an eagle or at very least a Seagull.......Seth seems not to notice that he is considerably smaller than Harry Rogers and who am I to point it out for heaven's sake?
So then, boxing it is as entertainment in the garden!! What unadulterated joy it was to be witness to such sport. It really WAS sport, should have been televised I tell you because rather than the 'oof- crack-oof' that accompanies adult boxing , we were treated to the sounds of 3 little boys belly laughing 'til they coughed. Not a bit afraid was Seth the sparrow as he lunged at Harry the Seagull/eagle, not a bit reserved was Harry the seagull / eagle as he swung back at Seth and my Isaac just whacked at what or whoever was silly enough to be close to him.
Just as Harry Rogers was leaving myIsaac touched his arm and said " Oh Hawwy Woger, me LUFF you tum a my home, dadoo" Thankyou indeed Harry Rogers.
After a truly miserable day, the likes of which I despise, I am blessed to have been reminded that in the things that really count I am rich beyond imagination.
Harry Rogers and his Incredible Hulk glove versus Seth the pint sized wonder - Truly a spectacular match - thanks for the front row view via satellite ;)
Me thinks the real winner is the photographer, who got to witness the spectacle first hand complete with sound effects and belly laughs. The description, although detailed and marvellous I'm sure cannot do it justice!
Harry Rogers will want to come back for a rematch, and Solomon, oh aptly named wise Solomon shall have to be content to have tea at home and not get pummelled into the ground or enjoy a good guffaw!
Oh my goodness, look at those beautiful boys! I agree a spectacular match!
That looks like a blast!
Oh and I just HAVE to have a grandson I can name Harry Rogers! What a great name!!!
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