sometimes, you just have to do ....

...what you have to do!
I know Elijah is 2 and I know that he should probably be walking more than riding in a stroller BUT I have had a bug up my bum for way over a year since his splendid, all terrain buggy was stolen, almost from under our noses, H had taken Isaac with him on his daily walk and taken the brand new rolls royce of strollers with him in order to be able to bump up hills and down dales with ease. Isaac needed a pee and so H took him out of the stroller and went behind a hedge...when they emerged 2 minutes later the buggy and 2 coats that were underneath had gone, vanished, stolen by some low life that has had my rage directed at them way too often since.
*sigh* no way we could buy another posh pram, so the boy has been in a 2nd hand umbrella stroller ever since. I have muttered and cursed the afore mentioned and much hated Urban Detour stroller stealer every time I have had to walk with my beloved last baby in that cheap old thing.
Until today......I have found, on e.bay, an even more glorious stroller, posher than posh and grander than grand. A veritable bargain and the soother of my insulted soul. It is paid for and the courier is booked. I am happy, my boy shall ride in comfort and suspensioned splendour, because it has suspension on front AND back wheels, thankyou very much, until he is six if I so choose ( and he lets me) When he really won't ride in it anymore I shall use it to collect firewood when I walk my dog babies. I might even have it buried with me when I die because I love it.
That looks cool Helen! I sometimes wish I still had Zachary's stroller. :) And he is 4. I'm sure you will get a lot of use out of it.
Sooooo jealous here!!! lol. I LOVE those strollers! They are Perfect in the wintery sludge that clogs the roadways and sidewalks!
Think of me, pushing(or perhaps shoving is more appropriate a term) my ancient double stroller, for which we paid $10 at a garage sale, and which I am eternally grateful for! LOL
Such a nice stroller....Id love to be carted around in it. What a lucky boy!
That is an AWESUM stroller... Sarah still rides in the double with Chloe (and in the bike trailer or wagon depending on what we're taking)... she even tried to wheedle her way into the old umbrella stroller when we go shopping... hey if it keeps her out of trouble... why not???
That's a beautiful stroller! I am looking into getting a jogging stroller so I can start preparing for the many races for the cures that I am deteremined to not only enter, but finish! And not in last place! LOL
Yay Helen!
May the evil stroller napper reap what he has sown, and may he lose something that he loves dearly.
And of course it's a he...because a female would NEVER steal a stroller. LOL please Note the Sarcasm .
Seriously, I am so happy that you found to love even more. Did you have a name for your old beauty? Maybe this one could be named a Jr?
Just a thought. To keep the memory alive & all. ;)
awww its gorgeous, when i have kids i want one of those big old fashioned ones, i think there making a come back tho, but its lovely, the three wheels make it look so cool!
ooooh (squeals in delight)!
What a grand stroller! That boy shall have the benefit of having a pampered cushy tushy for the next few years. So totally deserved too.
What kind of lout would steal his old stroller? I should like to give them a kick to the knees - then they'd actually have USE for that ride...rotten old thief.
Only a mom can get that excited about a stroller.
And as for the stroller-nappers, "Why the hell are you stealing strollers?" What comes around goes around.
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