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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Where am I ???

How completely bizarre! You all know I am Nighttime Nelly with my insomnia and twitching legs my eyes rarely study the inside of their lids before 2 am......this evening the sandman came by 9pm....I was struggling to keep awake and found myself tucked up and cosy on my new feather pillows by 9.30pm. Out like a light, sleeping like a baby, snug as a bug.....til just after midnight and PING wide awake.....and confusion reigns!
Freaky to wake up after nearly 3 hours and find it is a good hour and a half before the time you usually go to sleep, at first I felt so out of whack I had no idea where I was or what was happening, after a few minutes I found myself feeling almost euphoric, facing my usual routine of blog writing, reading and channel skipping ( that joy to follow, trauma, life in the ER is on at 1am, nothing like some blood and guts and gratuitous moaning to aid one's slumber.) with a somewhat refreshed feeling of having had a nice nap.
I hope I am not so refreshed that I feel any compulsion to do ironing or anything, that's a bit worrying, but I shall do my utmost to fight off any such urges, especially as H seems to be going through a laundry loving phase lately, barely a day passes without me seeing lines of washing blowing in the breeze and him sweating over the steam iron, I find myself rather fond of little piles of beautifully pressed, wind blown laundry sitting on my bed. I should hate to make him feel he isn't doing a splendid job by muscling in on his new found territory.
My Isaac is having a great phase this week......he is almost showing off, at speech therapy he whispered to the beloved Beverley that he hates the waving song as it is too loud, can she sing it super softly ( thing it thuper thoftly at me) so at the end when she had BYE BYE Cameron, Emily, Gavin, Lewis and Lottied at louder than loud volume she said "there, now we sang that very loudly but now we are going to sing it again very very quietly...who hasn't had the bye bye song?" and my Isaac.....stood up and walked to the front where they whispered the hated bye bye song to him and he grinned from ear to ear!!
He even seems to be enjoying the activities, helped I'm sure by the monotonous routine that has me losing the will to live, I expect he finds that so comforting it has to help him like it all, his need for a blue chair is pandered to and the fact that they begin by doing puzzles is the very best way to get him involved.
I love the fact that all the people who look after Isaac, actually visit all the other places he goes, so his speech therapist has been here and to nursery ( What Belerfy doing at nurfrey?!) The health visitor has been to nursery too, she's been here a few times to visit. Someone from nursery is going to sit in in one of his speech therapy lessons to see how lively he is there's so reassuring that they all see him in the different settings and get to see for themselves how he is in each place.
Great news too is that he has been awarded disability allowance. This isn't a means tested allowance, it is available to all people with disabilities, after vigorous testing and checking with everyone involved the benefit is awarded to anyone deemed disabled in a way that affects their normal every day living. It certainly helps with the cost of travelling to so many appointments etc and is also there to pay for any extra activites that may be needed...not to mention buying two or more of the clothes that Isaac latches onto so that we can be sure he has them available!
He is braver at nursery and talks to all the teachers now, he whispers and still won't eat the snack or have a drink but when I pick him up he is desperate to tell them so many things, it seems as though he longs to talk but can't quite manage it until I am there with him and then he tries to gabble it all out from behind me! Very sweet.
Sophie has a boyfriend, after days of nail biting trauma and drama she is now Coca's girlfriend, marvellous.......I shan't think about why he is called Coca, I shall merely assume he likes fizzy drinks and hope I am correct.
Jordan hasn't got a job and seems to be very happy about that, he left the Plough Inn as chef to take up as a scaffolder ( sensible enough swap for an 18 year old I suppose) having been promised such high dreams he would need said scaffolding to reach them all....but then he found that said promises were so high, in fact pie in the sky high, that he is without employment. As he is 18 and he has worked full time in the most exceptional and mature way since he was 16...I am allowing him the shortest spurt of teenagedom, he is sleeping til 2pm, waking up and lolling about ( with the odd burst of culinary energy when prompted)and going out until 4am. I have begun to start whispering parentlike reminders that actually it is only possible to loan him money if he has some way to pay it back and although I am so impressed with his slimlike yet incredibly versatile mobile phone I shall in no way feel compelled to pay the bill and Oh....his cable bill is he is coming down from his "isn't it great to be a teen" cloud and slowly, although I hope painlessly beginning to think about actually going for a new job. Very good. On that note, I am off to spend some time with the remote control and see what I can find to watch at this late hour.


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