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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

No picture of that, I promise you.

My whole body has the welts, I have one particularly nasty one right in between my bum cheeks. ( no picture as promised)
H suggested putting on a good tune and pretending to dance vigorously whilst sitting down, or failing that just finding a good tree to back up on, bear fashion.
I am not managing to be cheerful, or nice at all. These kids are asking for trouble, Elijah and Isaac are gits, not in a cute way. They are grating on my last nerve that is already exposed and ragged.
I get 3 good hours in the morning, take the steroids, anti histamines and pain killers, sleep and when I wake up I am good for about 30 minutes then it all seems to go to pot until the next morning.
I am sick of whining, are you sick of reading it, are you sighing and oh for heavens sake shut the hell upping yet?
Landlady is back in the country today. Wonder when she will contact me? Not sure I can stand to contact her but suspect I will have to. I hope that by the end of the week I can say that all is settled with her and we will have no need to have contact any other way than via mail. I am tired or pretending to be nice to her.
I did take some pictures of the bad stuff today, I stayed home to enjoy my drug induced stupor, while the meds were kicking in I climbed ladders one handed and took pictures, I am clever that way.
Shall I show you so you are as depressed and miserable as I am? Well here they are anyway.

This is the door to the flat, how secure does this look? Not at all is it? It now has a super duper padlock that will ( we hope) foil any and all attempts to get into our home.

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This is above us as we walk into the house, yes that is a sheet of plastic that is supposed to keep out the rain, do you think it will?

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This is the ceiling in the hallway, this has actually been repaired, it used to be an actual hole before we moved in, she had someone 'fix it' but it is already bowing and cracking,
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It could be because immediately above it is this
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The bathroom floor, where the shower has leaked so much and never been repaired, the floor is totally rotten.

This is the attic room that I have only just made myself look in because H told me how chockablock it was with, well see what it's piled high with.
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See that wig on the box just to the left? Do you think it is a wig or a dead person? Ha...nothing would surprise me at the this point!
There we are then, my happy post for sunday. I do hope you join me again soon because I am just so good at this uplifting and spreading the joy thing lately, aren't I?

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Blogger LosingSanity said...

having to deal with all that..tis no wonder you are welting and miserable! (i would still avoid penicillin, just in case,

I can't believe the way she allowed that home to be "fixed". She is a scammer for sure! Hopefully she is no longer able to cheat people after this all comes out!

Take care of yourself and get better soon!

2:57 am  
Blogger TN said...

Mercy Me!!!! I hope everyone is taking care of YOU!!!! What a night mare. Hope you are soon on the recovery road!!!!

8:39 pm  

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