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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Friday, May 30, 2008

OK baby!

See that over the left? NO DAYS TO GO! That means you can get born. Now, if you please. We don't do late around here, tardy gets you in trouble and that's no way to start a life here now is it?
I wonder what you are thinking, tiny and new and just growing where it is safe and comfortable, so soon to be in this loud world with all it's challenges.
So many people waiting to welcome midnight I got a text from your daddy that said " OK, he's due now, he can come out and let us start being parents and grandparents" We are so ready little boy.
Today as I was driving I passed the hospital where you will be born, your great grandpa, " papa" died there just 2 years ago and every time I pass that hospital I cry inside because I remember how sad we were when he left. Today I drove past and I imagined how next time I see that building, it will be when I drive your mummy and daddy there to meet you.
Sweetest baby, before you are even born I love you. I imagined holding you and kissing your face, smelling that divine new baby smell and feeling all the power and promise that you will bring with you and I cried for a whole different reason, soon that overbearing building that holds such sad memories for me, will become a place that will always mean that you are here.
I long to see if you are like your daddy, with his incredible sense of humour, with his long skinny legs and his huge hands, or your mummy with her beautiful blond hair and her gorgeous big eyes. I am pretty sure that you will be the sweetest and most placid of boys, with parents like you have ,you can't help but be a joy to know, both so kind and gentle, apt to laugh and see the good in people. Both were quiet, sweet babies who gave no trouble, sleeping and eating, smiling and ever happy.
You are going to be a lucky boy, planned and wanted and hoped for and adored from before you even began. You have 2 parents who are young and full of energy, who laugh and enjoy every kind of fun, they are people who have so many friends, everyone loves to be near your mummy and daddy and they love each other. I love to be with your parents, to watch them be so kind to each other, they are considerate and thoughtful one with another and they both can barely wait to see you.
Before you began to be, I used to say how when I was a grandma, Nana, Oma, nanny, I wasn't about to be a babysitter, I have had six children, done my share, been there, done that. I would look on and love, kiss and walk away and enjoy knowing that this was not my work to be done.
Already how things have changed, I have never loved the way I already love you.
I secretly hope that sometimes you keep your mummy and daddy awake at night, they both love to sleep...they can sleep til lunch time without any trouble and I am pretty sure that they will be shocked to learn how little tiny people can keep great big people up, for hours and hours and hours, allowing just enough sleep to avoid catastrophe and then WAKE UP!!!!! Again and they don't understand how one tiny person can cause so much fear..what is wrong? What can I do? What did I do wrong? Where does it hurt? WHY WON'T THAT CRYING STOP? And I am secretly hoping that sometimes they will long to sleep and rest and they will ask me to have you, just for a while so I can just soak in your splendidness.
Oh little boy, won't you come now? Aren't you ready yet? So long we have waited and we are so ready for you.
The whole world is waiting, right here where you will live there are so many people waiting, from your patient and uncomplaining mummy and your funny and impatient daddy, to our house with your noisy uncles who write you letters and talk about you every day.
Your other Nana is in Turkey waiting to hear that you are born and she will be on a plane to meet you.
People in America and Canada, ask me every day if you are here yet, buying presents and wishing you here.
It doesn't matter what you look like, it won't matter a bit whether you are big or small or smart or are loved just because. Simply because you are.
We long to see you and hear you, to know what you will be named. We will take pictures and love you, laugh and cry and when I hold you, I will whisper in your ear that I know where you come from and why you are here.
I promise to be near whenever you need me, when mummy and daddy are tough and teaching you, I can just love you.
When mummy and daddy have to show you who's boss I will show you who's nana.
I don't have to teach you or show you, I can just cuddle you. I will teach you what family is, I will show you what love means, I will remind you just how much your parents love you right when you think they don't care at all. When they have to stand firm I will be here and I will be the voice that reminds you what parents are for, I will tell you stories about your daddy that will remind you how great he is.
Grandpa H will teach you many things, he knows stuff,so much stuff your head will spin and he will show you, he is patient and he is so kind, he makes adventures and he gives places names, you won't ever just go to the park, you will go to the train park, the duck park, the wilderness and the magic forest. Your little legs will run behind these uncles of yours as they continue to go on hikes with your grandpa H, you will be so welcome and such an honoured guest.
Will you just be born now? Even though it must be scary to know that life here is waiting, the noise and the brightness and all these unfamiliar new things, but you, little boy will never be alone, will never know anything but love and safety because we're all here waiting.
I wonder if your papa will bring you, if he is holding your hand and telling you what fun you will have here on earth with our family. I know that he knows you and I am so sure that he will watch over you as he watches over us.
We're waiting for you precious boy and we are so ready to meet you and show you just how much you are loved already.
So much love little boy, from Nana Hxxx

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. What an amazing post Helen. I hope that you print this out and place it in a memory book for him to see. Gorgeous.

12:47 am  
Blogger Julie Q said...

Such sweet words Helen.

I remember when you said that you wouldn't babysit your grandbaby. I had a feeling you'd have a change of heart. :)

So exciting! I haven't asked, for I was overdue an entire week one time! I'm just hoping he comes sooner than later and he is healthy.

2:27 am  
Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

oh that brought tears to my eyes. Hurry up little one! We can hardly wait!

3:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Mel join Babyzone when the baby gets here? Come on little man, it's time to come out.

9:58 am  
Blogger TheAlbrechtSquad said...

That was such a touching post to your grandbaby! I hope he comes soon! I'm anxious for pics too!

10:36 am  
Blogger MamaTink said...

Beautiful Helen. Just beautiful

2:24 pm  
Blogger TN said...

Isn't it amazing how we fall in love with someone we have never seen? I know exactly where you are coming from. Your words brought tears to my eyes.
"Hurry up little boy".

6:49 pm  
Blogger Becca said...

That was so sweet Helen. I had to fight the tears.

I hope that he can get here soon

9:27 am  
Blogger LosingSanity said...

Awww, what a beautiful post. Brought tears to my eyes, too! Hope he comes soon!

9:46 pm  

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