
My day today started with what has to go down as a golden memory. H was already up with the early bird Elijah, who, for a change wasn't watching Shrek but snuggling peacefully in the front room....I heard TWO sets of clumpetty feet come into our room and some very loud whispering " ISAAC....JUST GET IN THEIR BED.......SHHHHHHHHHH"
2 little boys, who in the pitch black , scrambled into our huge bed and both at the same time, realised that the treasure they had brought with them, namely a Batman toy from MacDonalds and a wristband Seth was wearing, were both glowing in the dark.
"Hey..Seff!" Isaac whispered ( loudly) " See my new Batman, he flow inna dark"
" Awww, Way cool....hey hey my wristband glows too!!!"
30 seconds of wriggling and sniggering...
"Hey Seff! We wiggle way way far down in mummy bed, it be ferry ferry dark, our stuff flow reeeeeally REEEEAAALLY bwight"
So 2 little maggoty boys, absolutely shrieking with delight wriggling down the bed, even though it was as black as black can be OUTSIDE the covers, both so sure that the treasures were glowing so much brighter than before. When they surfaced, they discovered that somehow they had switched places and Seth was where Isaac had been and vice versa....more belly laughing and snorting.
These are the moments that make it all the greatest gift on earth to be a parent. I am rich beyond measure.
Love it!
It's so fun watching your kids enjoy such simple pleasures. One of my favorite things is to watch them experience new things for the first time.
That is very funny Helen. Very sweet too. It must have been even more enjoyable to witness. :)
What gorgeous little men you have! 6:20am though - Yikes! I would be giggling at their antics, and not fully awake at that hour....
Funny how something so simple as glow in the dark anything just captures their attention so fully. My boys LOVE glow in the dark stuff too, although I suspect they would do their giggling in the evening, as they are night owls and quite grumpy in the morning.
Yep, definitely a wonderful way to start the morning :)
Yes you are. Those boys are so very precious!
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