Oh how we rest on sundays.
It is 8.47am. So far Elijah has scribbled all over the desk with a permanent marker ( how aptly named ) he has taken his nappy of 3 times ( but that's as close as it goes to potty training!) he has unironed all the beautifully ironed laundry ( and yes I do iron at 7am, if we're up and there is little else to do why not get the ironing out of the way?) and he has sprinkled and spread a bottle of juice over the coffee table. He is master of trash it in a second, I was in the toilet when he scribbled, getting water for the iron while he sprinkled, right THERE when he grabbed the pile of ironing and flung it and also right there when he rips the nappy off.
He has helped daddy cook french toast and clear up ( which we can tell is NOWHERE near as fun as cooking on your own with a pint of milk and some pasta and who the hell likes clearing up?!?)
It is almost time to get them dressed and send them to church to repent of their sins.....that'll take some doing Elijah! ( how ironic that we chose such a hallowed and holy name for him!!) As I type he is standing next to me as gloriously naked as the day he was born, thumb in mouth and holding his blanket, he is divine....I wouldn't change him for the world ( but if I am totally honest I do love wednesdays when he is Auntie Leah and Gramma's adored baby and I get the whole day to do nothing but miss him or do everything that is less easy with a hellion in tow.)
I wonder what the rest of the day holds for us.....probably best not to wonder.

And if you think my hands are full......you should see my heart!
He has helped daddy cook french toast and clear up ( which we can tell is NOWHERE near as fun as cooking on your own with a pint of milk and some pasta and who the hell likes clearing up?!?)
It is almost time to get them dressed and send them to church to repent of their sins.....that'll take some doing Elijah! ( how ironic that we chose such a hallowed and holy name for him!!) As I type he is standing next to me as gloriously naked as the day he was born, thumb in mouth and holding his blanket, he is divine....I wouldn't change him for the world ( but if I am totally honest I do love wednesdays when he is Auntie Leah and Gramma's adored baby and I get the whole day to do nothing but miss him or do everything that is less easy with a hellion in tow.)
I wonder what the rest of the day holds for us.....probably best not to wonder.

And if you think my hands are full......you should see my heart!
Oh can I steal that little tagline at the end???? People are always saying "oh you've got your hands full!"
I love that comeback!
Your boys are so handsome. I am currently getting my brood ready (it is 7am on Sunday morning). There is not much rest here either, although we are going to grandmas today which is restful for me, but maybe not so much for grandma.
In any case - Love the pics, Love the delightful glorious Elijah in all his naughtiness - just don't give him a pizza cutter
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if you think my hands are full......you should see my heart!
OMG you made me cry!!! and cry and cry ... that's sooo beautiful!
The boys are simply divine!!!
Enjoy your time while they're at church.
I'm thinking perhaps the video game isn't such a bad way to pass the time for Zachary. :)
They look so nice all dressed for church. I love the last photo the most though.
I agree Helen... your last line is perfect. I want to steal it and put it as my signature in e-mails. :)
Those first photo's would almost fool anyone that they were complete angels all the time, that last one hints at what boys really are, bundles of energy wrapped up in cute packages. I am still lucky that it only takes about 20 minutes to get Nikki ready for church....although I do love being able to leave him in the nursery there...a whole hour to myself with other adults...I'm lovin it.
Such beautiful boys, Helen. It's amazing how well they clean up, eh? My two were quite smashing this morning, too, if I do say so myself! As soon as we turn on the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in the morning, Peter knows he gets to go to nursery and immediately starts running around the house singing. So easily amused! I wish the thought of church was that exciting to me!
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