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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The reluctant penguin.

Today I volunteered to help dress the children in Isaac's class for their christmas play, penguins and doctors and donkeys and sheep. Isaac was to be a penguin but , well he's Isaac so he was a director, in half a penguins suit, or black trousers, white shirt and black waistcoat. He went ready dressed and it took me 35 minutes to persuade him to take off his school sweatshirt so that his resplendant waistcoat was visible.
His classroom helper Anne had spent an hour or 3 sewing a penguin face onto a black if!! His face was a contortion of fear at the very idea of having such an attention drawing garment anywhere near his body....he agreed to have a DIRECTOR badge across his chest, until we went into a cupboard to pin it on and he thought that obviously it would burn his skin and make the whole world look at it came off again. ( how much help have I been to poor Mrs teacher so far???) So, Isaac the director was ready ( as long as he hid behind me so no-one could see his waistcoat!!)
I helped and watched children get changed and become donkeys and cows and penguins and the excitement was tangible. Except from Isaac who withdrew more and more. He led the other children into the hallway outside the main hall where they were to perform and then he stood very still and withdrew completely.

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Seth came marching in with head held high and his rapper clothes on, he is his father's son, all the other rappers were baggy shirted and sunglasses on, they swaggered and walked like little rapping things, Seth was tucked in, his shorts pulled up so they jolly well didn't hang below his knees thankyou very much!
My heart smiles when I see those little heads craning so they can see who is watching them..all apart from my little boy's head which is facing away from everyone because it is longing not to be looked at. My little boy stood very still, with his directors folder and I could hear his heart praying for his teacher to hurry up and sit him down, behind her, away from peoples' eyes.

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My heart wept when I saw him shove his fist so far in his mouth he must have gagged on his elbow. My eyes wept when I walked home and just wished that he could feel some of that happy feeling that is such a part of being 5.
I know when he gets home he will be full of how great it was and how he sang ( in his head) and then tomorrow we go through it all again.
His teacher said that she was keen for me not to be disappointed because my Isaac wouldn't be a penguin.....I can't imagine ever being disappointed in anything this boy does, or doesn't do. Every little venture into the world is an achievement for him, every time someone tells me that he has spoken to them he makes me proud.
I am thrilled to be this little boys mummy. I am honoured to have him in my life and can't imagine him being anything other than exactly who he is.


Blogger Julie Q said...

I can relate to your feelings Helen. I almost cringe as much as Zachary when he shuts down on people. I'm quite certain he is just very shy, but it is hard to watch.

Maybe tomorrow he will feel more comfortable? If they do the same show that is. It sounds adorable.

4:40 am  
Blogger LosingSanity said...

He makes for a very handsome Director anyway! God blessed him with a wonderful mummy who understands him and knows how to read him. And you bet he was singing his heart out, on the inside! And im sure that in your mind, you could hear him loud and clear!

I can just picture Seth, clothes tucked in and all proper. Too Cute!

5:11 am  

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