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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Friday, January 26, 2007

And all that Jazz. Oh...and.....

I had an attack of the BOREDOMS today, smacked me in the face with a vengeance, if I was 6, maybe I would have been flinging myself about and sighing a lot, slithering off the sofa and pleading for some fun.
I need something that makes my heart race, something that gives me that kind of zippedy doo dah feeling . It must be time.
I look at Elijah and he has it, the feeling I long for. He wakes up in the morning and the very first thing he does is to reach his hands above his head, clap them together, do a super dooper twirl and claps again. THAT'S what I want to feel like in the morning. He dances, all day. He stops in the middle of eating and does a twirl. He breaks into song at the drop of a hat. He is joy personified.
I took him to a dance academy and signed him up for modern
and Jazz classes. Tomorrow he will go for a taster, while we were there he climbed up on a little pedestal thing and did his hand clapping, twirling foot tapping routine, followed by a FAME like leap onto the floor. The boy just loves to dance!
They also do stage struck classes, dance, drama, singing and the whole shabang. He has to be 4 though. The witness to his pedestal twirl did say that we should call and see if they will take him early but he's 4 in july, we can do some dancing til then.
He watched the DVD they gave us and decided that the yellow tutu was for him. He even likes sunny colours.
I am a little afraid that given my state of mind and my yearning for excitement I am at risk of being a truly hideous pushy mum. Can you picture it? Waking him up at 5am to practise, dragging him to every audition for even the smallest parts in pantomimes and spring plays.
Already it's there, did I all but make my tongue bleed at the dance academy, stopping myself say " Show the lady ! Dance baby DANCE!" Give me fame and glory. There IS a monster mummy inside us all, heaven help me.
I think H finds it hard not to push Seth's brain, although I don't think it is possible to push that, it is so fast it's doing it's own thing anyway, what I mean is, I hear him saying things like
" Hey Seth, howabout we work on your eco plan in the morning?"
He has one you know, it's cool, he's 6......Dance baby dance.

Isaac, perhaps is the smartest of all, he has the thing that stops us pushing him anywhere, we let him just find his place and excel all on his own....he sat beside me this afternoon and read a whole email as I typed it. Our reaction to that kind of behaviour from him is to very quietly cheer, pretend we are astounded and say something like " you are 5 years old, who said you could read? Stop reading. Immediately!" Then shut up so he doesn't get overwhelmed with attention and avoid doing that again thankyou.
He is the easiest and most difficult of these boys. He is heaven to me in that he doesn't need endless discussions on things, say it, make sure he heard it, it's done. Show him once, leave him alone, he does it.
Just try to get him to wear a coat in winter or shorts in summer and there you have your battle.
So I'm not bored anymore. It was fleeting. I'm watching American Idol, I think Eli could be a winner, mothers should encourage their children ( who? What? When did I say mothers should be shot when the tell their kids they are sure to win???) Dance baby, dance.

11pm. Update, although not an update because it has nothing to do with anything I wrote earlier....anyway, Is there a lesson I am being too slow to grasp or what? Jordan and the quite beautiful Mel came in earlier and oh dear, Mel's mum has thrown her out, lock stock and black bin liners. Why does this happen? Why do other parents find this so easy to do yet I seem to hang on to mine despite crusty pasta bake dishes and phone bills with way too many mobile numbers on them?
So this time, she has been evicted because her room is untidy. I say this time, I don't mean she has been thrown out before but the last teenage homeless person we put up had some similar sob story that became clearer and clearer as time went by.
This time. this evictee, there is the added 'bonus' of Jordan being abit in heart with her. What to do? what to DO?
They all know I'm hardly going to say " shame, s'cuse me American Idol is on, hope she finds a comfy bench"
I mind being put in a position where I have to make a decision right there and then, so I didn 't. I did say that tonight she can put her things in Jordans room and her body in the spare room, quite firmly stated that should Jordan's room be locked with both of them in it she would be taking her bags with her elsewhere. I was also pretty firm about not tolerating anything remotely close to this........

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Her stuff is staying in Jordan's room because I can't stand the thought of the boys getting into it. She has a place to go to soon (I'm told) and until then I am going to make Jordan pay for her to get the bus to college and what not. Here we go again.


Blogger TN said...

Yes, there you go again, Helen...You have a heart of gold.....But I do too, I would have done the same thing!!!!! (along with the rules)

2:55 pm  
Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

You are a divine angel. I fully plan on kicking my girls out to go live with you once they hit the teens years ;)

Love love LOVED the email!!!



3:11 pm  
Blogger Julie Q said...

Don't you hate when they put you on the spot like that. I am sure, I would have done the same thing Helen. I agree, what is it with parents? It's like they are giving up on their children, before they are ready to go out into the world. My own 20 year old would never make it out there alone yet.

I love the energy Z has in the morning! Oh, I wish he could share it! :) I hope Elijah loves the dance classes! I don't think you will push him any harder than he wants to be pushed. If he's loving it, he will want to do it. And if it doesn't go on for a long time, he will still have learned some things he will remember forever. :)

3:19 pm  

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