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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fun and other stuff.

When I wrote that last post, did I make it sound as though I was taking a break? Sorry about that, I was just berating the fact that I am boring myself, I didn't for a moment mean I was about to stop boring myself. In actual fact, not 20 minutes after I posted I came back because I thought of something to say, I typed for ever and a moment and I tell you, I was hysterical! Oh I waxed lyrical and explained all about the parent teacher appointments we had, just as I was about to hit 'post' Internet Explorer died, when it came back, the post was gone, the first part was saved, the best part? Gone for ever. Sad, because oh it was so funny! One of my best, naturally!
I'm not sure I can stand to write it all again, though I should because I know when these boys are all old and uncommunicative, grunting monosyllabic answers to my inquiries about their days I might want to look back on these days, where their teachers are so thrilled with them and remember just how these days are.
Seth, well we all know he is smart and this new teacher knows it too, the marvellous thing is, she isn't quite as bowled over by him, don't get me wrong, she is impressed and she is completely enamoured of his sweetness ( because he is incredibly sweet with his teachers) and she had only great things to say about him but she also listened to us, usually his teachers don't listen to us because they are so busy saying how clever he is. This time, I was thrilled when she listened to us and then asked " do you think there is more in there that he isn't sharing?" Oh there is SO much more to Seth, he is inordinately lazy and he does just enough work to impress and get by, she did say that his writing and presentation is lacking ( heh, he works so quickly because there is STUFF TO DO! Must get STUFF DONE! Funny because he actually does not ever hurry for anyone else but himself, he is always last ready every day, always the last out of the house when we go anywhere, always 'just doing' something so that we wait, and we wait.)
He is funny and polite and hard working and clever, also kind and friendly. Splendid.
Isaac, oh my Isaac, whenever I write or talk about Isaac it seems obligatory to say Isaac, Oh my Isaac, just like that because he is just my heart. He sat in with us as we spoke to his new teacher and he sat opposite her and he never took his eyes off her face. I watched her watching him and I knew that she loves him, I could also see that he trusts her and I suspect that this year, she will manage to get him to do things he has never tried before.
She told us his results of reading and spelling and comprehension testing, as did Seth's teacher and they are both at the same level, for reading they are at the level expected of an 11 year and 3 month old child, spelling and comprehension they are both at 13 years and 2 months, which is pretty impressive, if you ask me, even if you don't ask me, it is pretty impressive.
Isaac is very conscientious, he works hard and writes beautifully but the content of what he writes, unless it is factual and answering specific questions, is lacking, bless his heart he is not a story teller.
Elijah Henry, aged 6 years and 3 months, is quiet, in fact worryingly quiet we are told and his teacher says that she has no idea what his likes and dislikes are and she has no idea of any opinions he might have. Oh dear.
She did ask him what he thinks of year 2 and he replied " It's brilliant" and she asked if he had any worries and he said "Yeth, I do"
"Oh Eli, what are they? Can I help?"
"No, It'th OK now becoth my lizard was lotht and now he came back but that wath definitely a worry"
Bloody thing escpaed again today, I swear if I wake up with that thing on my face I will not recover.
I say " Oh dear" when speaking of Eli's teacher and her lack of knowledge regarding his opinions on anything because I suspect he hasn't any and that would be because of me.
Elijah is a divine lump of carefree nonsense. He could care less if he wears Seth's shoes to school, in fact he tries to do that as often as he can get away with it. He will wear odd socks, eat breakfast for dinner, he wears mismatched pyjamas, clothes that look like he specifically planned to look as though he was determined to wear as many colours as he could find.
He spills things and says " Oh, never mind"
He eats what he is given and he doesn't care what time he is given it.
Last year we noticed, horror or horrors that he was beginning to say things like " I don't like" and " I don't want to" he would state a preference for certain clothing and in my panic that there goes my one and only non freaky, not uptight, carefree and hippylike soul, I found myself saying " Oh no! You DON'T like that" or " Nuh uh! You don't mind AT ALL" and I think that he must have given in, without any fight, just sighed in his little heart and decided that he probably didn't care at all.
I adore this little man, with his chimney sweep brush hair and his big ears, I hate to think I might have stunted his personality in anyway and so I have been making an effort to ask him what he likes and how he likes things, seems he actually doesn't seem to care, he really is quite happy to flop about and take what comes his way. I do think though that he is beginning to feel as though he isn't up to scratch and he needs an incredible amount of praise for the slightest thing he does. That is no hardship at all because every smidgen of praise is so gratefully accepted and his little face lights up, always so eager to please he is probably the most affable of my children.
He is very keen to be a boy witch for Halloween, not a wizard you understand but a boy witch and so a Boy witch he shall be, I bought his costume today and he looks divine, though grumpy in it, I hope that he will be happier on the day.
We are in full speed ahead for our annual Halloween party, this year I have planned and am ready for the invasion, we are prepared and looking forward to a really great party, I can't wait to get started decorating. The boys have next week off school so we are going to be taking all week to make the house ready for 6.30 on saturday 31st Oct.
Bring it on.

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