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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Meanwhile, back at the farm.....

Aren't these tummy bug things supposed to be 24 hour deals? What is happening? Actually, the details- you don't want to know.
The need for fresh air was so great that today I took my hacking cough and monstrous sized hernia to the bank to find out why they have snagged £278- yes £278 -in charges in 10 days!! Can you believe that? It was a snowball effect that has gone charge was justified because I always forget one direct debit that comes out on the 1st...then because they took that charge out it messed everything up and in their wisdom ( sorry, greed) they took TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT POUNDS!! That's $482.66 US. $575.52 Canadian and 1.421.39 Lituanian Litas.
Oh look she paid £3.47 to paypal, because we took £70 out in ridiculous charges the £3.47 isn't in there so we'll charge her £38..HA HA HA HA HA the £10 for the TV license isn't in there so we'll grab another £38( and not pay the license fee naturally) and .............
For the love of greed I have stared at the online banking screen in horror for 10 days and today felt that maybe, just maybe, if I sat in a little room and looked helpless and let the kind lady ( who you know hasn't the authority to help but will talk to a man who may) hear my bubbling and whistling chest and make a huge effort not to cough so she knows that I care for her health and would hate for her to feel this poorly, that somehow, someone might see just how bloody absurd the whole situation is. She did...I really believe she could see, and naturally she would help if she we have to wait and see if the man in head office cares a rat's arse or not.
In our time of trial, our moments of sickness, not health ( how clever that with our anniversary in a few days we are honouring our sickness and in health, richer and poorer vows so beautifully) I find that H and I have had a few very moving moments of closeness.
We are incurably polite, my husband and I, I can honestly say that he is not a fart and laugh kinda guy.....I would lay money on the fact that he DOES fart but not before me ( probably because he is never qiute sure if it's my turn ) not in front of his wife, not in my presence. How galant and gentlemanly is that? I, in return have never farted in front of him, well I say never, whilst pushing Seth out a few escaped but we don't talk about that, so it doesn't count. I can't quite lay claim to holding them in anymore. Not after this week..neither can he.....and in a bizarre and somehow base way I find I am touched and feel closer to him.
I've said before that our computer is in the hallway..smack bang in the hub bub of it all, to get to anywhere you have to walk past the computer. I was sitting here minding someone else's business ( blogs are the eyes to the world, an invitation to know the nitty gritty of everyones' lives, look at me, in one entry I have told you both my financial ruin and my family's bowel habits, bloody marvellous I tell you) anyway out shot H from the sitting room and stiff legged and red faced he parp parped and bum whistled to the toilet. It wasn't something that could be ignored really so I felt the least I could do was cheer when he made it in time. He says he has had his money's worth from his MP3 player this week and has had it full blast at every turn so as not to be subjected to the sounds his digestive tract have subjected the rest of us to.....maybe I should put one on my christmas list.
As for me...well, thank the kind creator, that, although I have been crippled with sweating, shivering flu , a throat that has made even me reluctant to talk and a cough that is so violent it has burst a few blood veins behind my eyes...I haven't had diarrohea. The very idea of what I might be writing about if I had makes me shudder ( because you know I WOULD write about it, don't you, are you shuddering too?) I have, however, been totally unable to both cough until my lungs burst and hold onto flatulence at the same time, I challenge anyone to manage that. So, I have coughed from both ends and enjoyed a feeling of such abandon that I might just carry on letting 'em rip once I'm better. Nice to have a decision to make that is all mine, I shall cherish it and give it great consideration.


Blogger Julie Q said...

So sorry to hear about the bank problem Helen. That happened to us (only $200 american dollars though) about three or four years ago! Oh I was so mad at me. I do hope they can help you.

Also sorry to hear you are still sick.

Take care!

7:52 pm  
Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Perhaps you can combine the two? Find the higher up muckety muck and let loose in his office until he agrees to waive the idiotic charges rather than face certain death?

Just a thought ;)

Sorry to hear about the bank being arseholes and the arseholes not being banked ;)

2:00 am  
Blogger Elan Morgan said...

I could not find your e-mail address, so comments it is.
Thanks for dropping by my site from Palinode's place. When I saw his post listing all our conversations that he's written down, I cried and cried with laughter. I had forgotten so many of them.

12:21 pm  
Blogger Jenn said...

Banks are thieves! I feel I'd be better off with all my money in a great big sock with the rates they charge.
That alone is enough to make you sick. I agree with Julie that you should march down there and let loose in his office. take Eli with you for some destructo behaviour to get yourself seen quick ;)

Get better soon!!!

3:46 pm  

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