you know when.....( this one's getting longer all the time)'re really sick, not a bit sick or feeling mildly poorly but really really, no way I can even pretend to be brave sick? That's me..... poor me, I have been hot, cold, sweating, shivering, aching, coughing, heaving. Thump thump...that's the head, the ears are sort of screaming and that's without the actual screaming, the screaming that Elijah has decided is hysterical and hey, cool, that gets a great reaction, mummy's eyes sort of swivel in her head and her face goes even more purple. Funny how mummy clutches her belly every time she coughs...oh that'll be that fist sized hernia she decided didn't need repairing after all, only now its a double fist and it hurts, really, a big lot.
HA HA HA!!! Look at her now, one very fat eye, all full of pus and weepy looking, just what I need! Things can't get any worse can they? At least there's always that.
EXCEPT THEY CAN!!!! I am drowing in everyone else's PUKE. I don't like puke. I know no-one does, but I only have to think the word puke and I heave.....I was kind when H puked and didn't have time to shut the door " Oh dear...are you ok?" ( please Lord let me stop hearing that.....)
"Can I do anything ?"( please say no..or even say nothing because if you actually try and answer me I know I will hear more puking and I might have to run out of the front door and leave you, probably for a week, at least.) I wonder if his feelings were hurt when I maniacally sprayed everything around him with Dettol disinfectant spray?
Ahhh at last, other sick people in bed, sleeping and I can sit and just be quiet and drink my lemon and honey and swallow my cocktail of lovely drugs......what's that? WHAT? Uh oh.......My Isaac is throwing up.....yarghhhhhhhh Lellow Ba has got it...." come on baby, let mummy help you" ( oh, oh..hand right in it, don't throw up, there's not enough room for 2 pukers at the same time, wait your turn like any self respecting mother would do) Stand and hold little head and wipe stringy spitty mouth while my Isaac pukes, a mother's love is remarkable isn't it?
Phew, at least he didn't wake up enough to notice that Lellow Ba got switched and the long discarded Pink Ba ( "I not girlie, I hate pink Ba"........the hell you do, you loved Pink Ba til someone told you it was a girl one, pink ba is lovely I am keeping pink ba and telling it that you love it too and SEE? Where would we be in the dark with no pink Ba when Lellow Ba is full of puke?) Thankyou pink Ba and washing machine and drier that will have Lellow Ba clean and dry before my Isaac wakes again. Of course you know that means that I now have to stay up for at least an hour and a half so I can put Lellow Ba in it's rightful place. ( excpet I fell asleep and Isaac was more than puzzled by the Pink Ba " where my LELLOW Ba? I hate Pink Ba..I not girlie!!")
At least I know that Eli has had the bug, H has had it, Seth has been a bit quiet and icky but not actually puked..dare I hope that tomorrow I can bask in my flu like, pink eyed, barking cough illness ....... I'll let you know.

7.42am a little update, where a picture speaks a thousand, these are a few of my favourite things.......

And question of the day is it that even though, not a even a tiny bit of life giving breath can find it's way up my blocked nostrils, the smell of puke and liquid farts can-- and is?!? BLECH! ( and yes, liquid farts would definately be in the sort of thing I don't want to read in a blog, yet somehow it so describes what children do when they say they are better and simply MUST eat now....and then, well you see that they aren't better and you wish you had gone with the feeling that dry toast ought to be the only thing they should eat)
But rest assured, anyone wringing their hands in fretful angst for us....we are never so poorly that we can't be a teenage ninja mutant turtle ( wearing Power Ranger pyjamas) and playing with a batman. Better than chicken soup..and considerably safer.
HA HA HA!!! Look at her now, one very fat eye, all full of pus and weepy looking, just what I need! Things can't get any worse can they? At least there's always that.
EXCEPT THEY CAN!!!! I am drowing in everyone else's PUKE. I don't like puke. I know no-one does, but I only have to think the word puke and I heave.....I was kind when H puked and didn't have time to shut the door " Oh dear...are you ok?" ( please Lord let me stop hearing that.....)
"Can I do anything ?"( please say no..or even say nothing because if you actually try and answer me I know I will hear more puking and I might have to run out of the front door and leave you, probably for a week, at least.) I wonder if his feelings were hurt when I maniacally sprayed everything around him with Dettol disinfectant spray?
Ahhh at last, other sick people in bed, sleeping and I can sit and just be quiet and drink my lemon and honey and swallow my cocktail of lovely drugs......what's that? WHAT? Uh oh.......My Isaac is throwing up.....yarghhhhhhhh Lellow Ba has got it...." come on baby, let mummy help you" ( oh, oh..hand right in it, don't throw up, there's not enough room for 2 pukers at the same time, wait your turn like any self respecting mother would do) Stand and hold little head and wipe stringy spitty mouth while my Isaac pukes, a mother's love is remarkable isn't it?
Phew, at least he didn't wake up enough to notice that Lellow Ba got switched and the long discarded Pink Ba ( "I not girlie, I hate pink Ba"........the hell you do, you loved Pink Ba til someone told you it was a girl one, pink ba is lovely I am keeping pink ba and telling it that you love it too and SEE? Where would we be in the dark with no pink Ba when Lellow Ba is full of puke?) Thankyou pink Ba and washing machine and drier that will have Lellow Ba clean and dry before my Isaac wakes again. Of course you know that means that I now have to stay up for at least an hour and a half so I can put Lellow Ba in it's rightful place. ( excpet I fell asleep and Isaac was more than puzzled by the Pink Ba " where my LELLOW Ba? I hate Pink Ba..I not girlie!!")
At least I know that Eli has had the bug, H has had it, Seth has been a bit quiet and icky but not actually puked..dare I hope that tomorrow I can bask in my flu like, pink eyed, barking cough illness ....... I'll let you know.

7.42am a little update, where a picture speaks a thousand, these are a few of my favourite things.......

And question of the day is it that even though, not a even a tiny bit of life giving breath can find it's way up my blocked nostrils, the smell of puke and liquid farts can-- and is?!? BLECH! ( and yes, liquid farts would definately be in the sort of thing I don't want to read in a blog, yet somehow it so describes what children do when they say they are better and simply MUST eat now....and then, well you see that they aren't better and you wish you had gone with the feeling that dry toast ought to be the only thing they should eat)
But rest assured, anyone wringing their hands in fretful angst for us....we are never so poorly that we can't be a teenage ninja mutant turtle ( wearing Power Ranger pyjamas) and playing with a batman. Better than chicken soup..and considerably safer.

Ugh! I hate when the whole family is sick. I hope and pray it all goes away soon!
Oh Helen, you describe so well, I couldn't make it through without feeling sick myself. So, I skipped to bottom to say: I hope you are all feeling better soon. I hate to puke and I hate to clean it up as well.
Take care!
Get better soon - must be something universal right now. we just got home from the hospital. Duncan has croup very badly. Hopefully the other boys don't catch it. (and mummy nor daddy either)!
Puck sucks!! I hate it. It's the worst.
Oh you poor woman!! Is it not an unwritten rule that No One Shall Be Sick At The Same Time As The Mummy?
Love that last pic :)
Oh poor you guys! Hope you're all much much better soon!
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