Pooh bum wee willy knickers and for a real laugh, Armpit.

Samuel and Thomas are here for tea ( actually Mac donalds, sometimes you just go with what works) Noisy. Very noisy, and unbelievably lavatorial. Thomas and Samuel are twins and Seth's age and although I am aware that anything bottom or pooh like is beyond hysterical, I don't think my somewhat prudish ears were quite ready for such an onslaught. 5 little boys ( because Elijah is quick and isn't one to be left out) all in absolute uproaring hysterics because they just can't quite believe how many different conversations you can include the afore mentioned words when there are so many of you. Isaac is thrilled with it all and is joining in as best he can with little homemade songs about armpits, whispered in case anyone hears him.
By far the funniest thing is if you happen to say " up your" or "smells like" before mentioning pooh or bum.
Now I missed all this with Dan and Jordan as they were so traumatised that anything remotely lavatorial was a bit scarey and by the time they understood it was a joke in most 4 and 5 year old boy cicles ( girls are so much more refined from the get go) they were too old to get their money's worth. Anything to do with Willies ( I'm sorry but you're just not getting me to call it a penis, I can't, the very word gives me the willies) was so off limits unless they were telling me some new horror they endured, so just lately with Seth and Isaac's endless reference to said apendage, I have to admit that I was very deep inside feeling sick and frightened.....with silent pleadings that somehow someone hadn't got to them while I wasn't looking and making them obsessed. SO..far from horrified at such common and rude language I am really so incredibly relieved that Samuel and Thomas are leading the way and showing Seth and Isaac to be mere novices in the pooh bum willy knickers department , they have a way to go before they are as adept in the armpit stakes though, my Isaac can even make up songs.
Ahhh.. I would love one of those refined girls... mine keeps saying "Fiddle Fart".. niiice! LOL
My girl would jump right in there too Helen. no such refinement here :) She randomly shouts out BUM BUM. Drives me INSANE!!!
And my boys simply say "Taboony" and laugh uproariously. I think they have their own language. I'm sure they are mocking me in some way.....
HILARIOUS! I would have loved to see video of that!!!!!!!!
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