Get your kicks where you can.
I am about to confess to the most bizarre way to have fun with your husband, I have dilly dallied for a week or two on whether to tell you or not but here we go, it's what blogs are about, if you're doing it, tell it.
For as long as I can remember the L.D.S church has advised in the strongest possible way, that each and every one of us should be prepared in case of disaster, each member of the family should have a 72 hour emergency bag at the ready, able to grab it and run and survive 72 hours...somewhere, anywhere. "Ha ha, how bizarre" we thought, growing up, what can possibly happen?
I suspect many people are beginning to think it is a pretty good idea no matter where you live, or who suggested it. Is the world going crazy or what?
So, tardy in the extreme, H and I decided that we should do this, how can it hurt? How smug would we feel ( not to mention safe) if we had provisions and stuff to see us through an initial period of emergency until help would come?
So, off we go a wandering a rucksack on our back ( or on our shopping list anyway. ) H made it his quest to find perfect backpacks and it seemed a bloke like thing to me, so I let him....marvellous, one huge one for the daddy person, 3 smaller ones for 3 smaller persons and .....AHEM?!? A mummy sized back pack? Where? HELLO?!?
And then I see the provisions beginning, clothes in vacuum bags, wash bags, Seth's fig rolls, nutrition drinks, matches.....
Medicines and flashlights, nifty cutlery that slots together.....spare socks and ...
It seems that mummy should be in charge of her own backpack because it will need ...ewwwwww girlie things in it , like chocolate and sanitary items .
Fair enough the fight was out matey, because I am bargain and supreme great stuff finder of the world . 2 can play at that game!!
HA HA...I have nabbed for a ridiculously low price, a fantastic ensemble of survival kit ( has to be called kit it's not stuff or things, it's definately kit)

a superduper lightweight backpack, sleeping bag, sleep roll and a ONE WOMAN TENT!! I have the most impressive cutlery in it's own little zip up, hang it on the backpack holdy thing.
I have found long life, won't go bad and packed in silver foil airtight bags fry up, bacon, onion and potato brunch, some cook in the mug noodles with exotic flavours. I got me teeny packs of pantene shampoo ( see? no need to look like a drudge even on a hillside I shall have shiny hair ) mini toothwhitening paste and MOUTHWASH! Smell fresh and look great.
I have dettol antibac soap to kill any nasty bugs that might try and cling to my person and a flashlight that is so tiny BUT can light for up to a mile, yes my friends a MILE!

Don't even start me on the fact that I have first aid kits and CHOCOLATE.
I am now going to tell you that I should be up for the wife of the year award, because with the exception of the nifty cutlery and chocolate , I have bought 2 of everything so my husband is as ready as me ( either that or so I won't have to share, probably the last one)
This is such fun, forget date nights have a battle of the preparedness with your loved one.
Whilst my backpack is ready and hanging on a hook just waiting to be grabbed and save me...H and his 3 are in a crumpled heap on the bedroom floor waiting for him to get organised enough to put in them the stuff awaiting packing. ( that I have bought because let's face it how happy would I be in the comfort of my one woman tent with my yummy food and dry knickers if they are all without, that's REAL love that is!)
Jordan has scoffed his derision at the very idea saying "what, in case there is a flood you mean?! ( watch out son of mine I suspect there were Noah scoffers a plenty) have you seen the size of this bloody hill we live on?"
Sophie has gingerly asked if there will be one for her and there will be, but she won't know where it is because she will eat everything out of it and I'll have to share mine. If I'm on a hill somewhere in a tent I'll be jiggered if I'm sharing my galaxy with someone who stuffed all theirs in the comfort of the front room.
I have discovered a strange train of thought though about this whole thing. Why do we, if we do, think about a disaster, always imagine that it will be in the depths of winter and think we should pack dry clothes, thermals and ponchos? We're going to feeling very stupid if it's a heat wave and we're wearing woolly drawers and rain hats.
Also, I wonder why I have it in my head ( do excuse me if I'm in mixed company here) that naturally I shall have my period ( but lets face it, that's a given isn't it? Even if I have been through the menopause I am completely sure that I shall have a 'special' visit from Aunt flo ) and somehow it wouldn't be quite right to have tampons but must pack sanitary towels and even then the bulky kind of 'suffering' ones rather than ultra slim comfy ones?
Is it that we feel that if we're going to be suffering we'd best do it properly?
I think maybe I over analyse sometimes but H was talking about his MP3 player and I was flabber ghasted, MP3? Music? What are you thinking man? In an emergency you should be ready and willing to listen to me wailing and wishing outloud that I had packed 3 family sized bars of galaxy, not tapping your toes along to The Eagles.
Some people just have NO idea!
Sunday ( after a full 12 hours in the house with inexplicably grumpy husband, who has issues with someone other than me but feels that I should somehow share in his annoyance, 2 resident teenagers a token teenager, 3 resident children and a token child)
Little after thought.....the idea of being in a one woman tent eating galaxy and listening to the silence of the countryside is particularly apealing to me right now....even sleeping on a hard mat and squashing into a sleeping bag whilst wearing unbecoming yet warm clothing doesn't detract from the appeal. note to self....must pack a thick and fabulous book. Hmmm where's a good field around here?

can you hear that solitude?!? It's calling my name!
For as long as I can remember the L.D.S church has advised in the strongest possible way, that each and every one of us should be prepared in case of disaster, each member of the family should have a 72 hour emergency bag at the ready, able to grab it and run and survive 72 hours...somewhere, anywhere. "Ha ha, how bizarre" we thought, growing up, what can possibly happen?
I suspect many people are beginning to think it is a pretty good idea no matter where you live, or who suggested it. Is the world going crazy or what?
So, tardy in the extreme, H and I decided that we should do this, how can it hurt? How smug would we feel ( not to mention safe) if we had provisions and stuff to see us through an initial period of emergency until help would come?
So, off we go a wandering a rucksack on our back ( or on our shopping list anyway. ) H made it his quest to find perfect backpacks and it seemed a bloke like thing to me, so I let him....marvellous, one huge one for the daddy person, 3 smaller ones for 3 smaller persons and .....AHEM?!? A mummy sized back pack? Where? HELLO?!?
And then I see the provisions beginning, clothes in vacuum bags, wash bags, Seth's fig rolls, nutrition drinks, matches.....
Medicines and flashlights, nifty cutlery that slots together.....spare socks and ...
It seems that mummy should be in charge of her own backpack because it will need ...ewwwwww girlie things in it , like chocolate and sanitary items .
Fair enough the fight was out matey, because I am bargain and supreme great stuff finder of the world . 2 can play at that game!!
HA HA...I have nabbed for a ridiculously low price, a fantastic ensemble of survival kit ( has to be called kit it's not stuff or things, it's definately kit)

a superduper lightweight backpack, sleeping bag, sleep roll and a ONE WOMAN TENT!! I have the most impressive cutlery in it's own little zip up, hang it on the backpack holdy thing.
I have found long life, won't go bad and packed in silver foil airtight bags fry up, bacon, onion and potato brunch, some cook in the mug noodles with exotic flavours. I got me teeny packs of pantene shampoo ( see? no need to look like a drudge even on a hillside I shall have shiny hair ) mini toothwhitening paste and MOUTHWASH! Smell fresh and look great.
I have dettol antibac soap to kill any nasty bugs that might try and cling to my person and a flashlight that is so tiny BUT can light for up to a mile, yes my friends a MILE!

Don't even start me on the fact that I have first aid kits and CHOCOLATE.
I am now going to tell you that I should be up for the wife of the year award, because with the exception of the nifty cutlery and chocolate , I have bought 2 of everything so my husband is as ready as me ( either that or so I won't have to share, probably the last one)
This is such fun, forget date nights have a battle of the preparedness with your loved one.
Whilst my backpack is ready and hanging on a hook just waiting to be grabbed and save me...H and his 3 are in a crumpled heap on the bedroom floor waiting for him to get organised enough to put in them the stuff awaiting packing. ( that I have bought because let's face it how happy would I be in the comfort of my one woman tent with my yummy food and dry knickers if they are all without, that's REAL love that is!)
Jordan has scoffed his derision at the very idea saying "what, in case there is a flood you mean?! ( watch out son of mine I suspect there were Noah scoffers a plenty) have you seen the size of this bloody hill we live on?"
Sophie has gingerly asked if there will be one for her and there will be, but she won't know where it is because she will eat everything out of it and I'll have to share mine. If I'm on a hill somewhere in a tent I'll be jiggered if I'm sharing my galaxy with someone who stuffed all theirs in the comfort of the front room.
I have discovered a strange train of thought though about this whole thing. Why do we, if we do, think about a disaster, always imagine that it will be in the depths of winter and think we should pack dry clothes, thermals and ponchos? We're going to feeling very stupid if it's a heat wave and we're wearing woolly drawers and rain hats.
Also, I wonder why I have it in my head ( do excuse me if I'm in mixed company here) that naturally I shall have my period ( but lets face it, that's a given isn't it? Even if I have been through the menopause I am completely sure that I shall have a 'special' visit from Aunt flo ) and somehow it wouldn't be quite right to have tampons but must pack sanitary towels and even then the bulky kind of 'suffering' ones rather than ultra slim comfy ones?
Is it that we feel that if we're going to be suffering we'd best do it properly?
I think maybe I over analyse sometimes but H was talking about his MP3 player and I was flabber ghasted, MP3? Music? What are you thinking man? In an emergency you should be ready and willing to listen to me wailing and wishing outloud that I had packed 3 family sized bars of galaxy, not tapping your toes along to The Eagles.
Some people just have NO idea!
Sunday ( after a full 12 hours in the house with inexplicably grumpy husband, who has issues with someone other than me but feels that I should somehow share in his annoyance, 2 resident teenagers a token teenager, 3 resident children and a token child)
Little after thought.....the idea of being in a one woman tent eating galaxy and listening to the silence of the countryside is particularly apealing to me right now....even sleeping on a hard mat and squashing into a sleeping bag whilst wearing unbecoming yet warm clothing doesn't detract from the appeal. note to self....must pack a thick and fabulous book. Hmmm where's a good field around here?

can you hear that solitude?!? It's calling my name!
Wow, this is great, I enjoyed it very much. We Moms always thinking of everyone else..
LOL, Helen! I actually have a 72-hour kit that I got from Santa before I left home. Unfortunately, that's the only one in the house, so it wouldn't save us all for long! Maybe DH and I need to have a contest to make some new kits -- you know I'd win!
Awesome kit Helen!! Leave it to the mommy to find the perfect survival kit, AND get one for her husband!
Man I wanna shop where you shop!!!
Great deal!
In the event of a disaster I'll be booking my plane ticket to England straight away :)
Its calling my name too !
You guys are so smart to do that! Just beware the "Safe place" and stash those bags in plain site!
Too funny Sophie would eat all her food. ;) My 13 year old son would do that too I'm sure. He can really eat.
That is a real neat kit you found. I hope you never have a need for it Helen. :)
hmmm what would I put in my kit? The chocolate for sure. and 12 pairs of underwear!
Sounds like you are all prepared. I love all the stuff you got, and what a lucky family you have. I doubt I'd share my stuff ;) OK, I would share the tent but the chocolate is all mine.....
ha. I don't have a kit ...but when i was little i always wanted my parents to make a kit but they never did. so congratulations. i hope you find your solitude.
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