Unimportant bloggy things I find myself minding.
I mind when I click 'next blog' and come across something so revolting that it is etched in my mind for way too long. Like a photograph of an old man ( and not an attractive one at that) with an open mouth full of ...well it was a body fluid , and his own at that. Now who does he think will be interested in that? I was freaked out by the fact that his blog was next to mine in the world of blogs that day. Creepy, sick and ewwwwwwwie to the extreme. Blogs should be interesting and funny, moving and inspirational, sad or thought provoking......sick people please don't write blogs if it means I might happen upon you with the next blog button. Especially don't put pictures up. Really, don't.
I mind that some people have set up jazzy looking blogs that have NO next blog button.....how vain is that? How selfish to erase the option to visit the next blog when I am bored with yours? Don't do it, leave the button in, I don't want to read blogs with pink kittens and text language that makes me bad tempered, I want to jump to the next blog that will have correct spellings and cosy talk about families and leave you behind. Next please.
I mind when great blogs don't have comment sections, I want to tell you that I have been there and read you and think you are fabulous - because then you might visit me and read me and tell ME I am fabulous too, I like being told I am fabulous, it makes me happy and I am kinder to my children and even find it within myself to ignore the fact that they are trashing my house, or being loud, I even ignore the fact that they are shouting BUM and FREAKAZOID every 3 seconds because fabulous people are above petty tantrums. Open the comments up people.
I really REALLY mind mean spirited people who feel they somehow have the right to visit blogs and leave comments designed only to hurt. GO AWAY! It's not kind, it's not clever and you won't make new friends.
Get a life. Be happy.
I mind it when I click and find a blog with a great title....and then see the rest is in chinese or spanish....Why write the title in English if the rest is going to be out of my depth and make me wish I was chinese or spanish.....meaners.
I mind when I find a great blog with great music and fabulous graphics and feel stupid because I have no idea how to do that stuff and it's not even worth asking how because the instructions will be so far over my head I still won't be able to do it and then I will not only feel stupid but will actually look stupid for asking and still not being able to do it. If you are clever ( Stephen, for example) come to my house and do it for me, or don't tease me with what IS possible on a blog and leave me feeling inadequate. Please.
I mind it when writers of great blogs have a life and don't update every day..EVERY day. There isn't anything more important than entertaining and enlightening me, leave the rest of your life unattended and update your blog, yes that means YOU....... leave me a comment telling me I am fabulous and then skidaddle back to your own blog and give me new stuff to read and pictures to look upon.....well? what are you waiting for! GO!
I mind that some people have set up jazzy looking blogs that have NO next blog button.....how vain is that? How selfish to erase the option to visit the next blog when I am bored with yours? Don't do it, leave the button in, I don't want to read blogs with pink kittens and text language that makes me bad tempered, I want to jump to the next blog that will have correct spellings and cosy talk about families and leave you behind. Next please.
I mind when great blogs don't have comment sections, I want to tell you that I have been there and read you and think you are fabulous - because then you might visit me and read me and tell ME I am fabulous too, I like being told I am fabulous, it makes me happy and I am kinder to my children and even find it within myself to ignore the fact that they are trashing my house, or being loud, I even ignore the fact that they are shouting BUM and FREAKAZOID every 3 seconds because fabulous people are above petty tantrums. Open the comments up people.
I really REALLY mind mean spirited people who feel they somehow have the right to visit blogs and leave comments designed only to hurt. GO AWAY! It's not kind, it's not clever and you won't make new friends.

I mind it when I click and find a blog with a great title....and then see the rest is in chinese or spanish....Why write the title in English if the rest is going to be out of my depth and make me wish I was chinese or spanish.....meaners.
I mind when I find a great blog with great music and fabulous graphics and feel stupid because I have no idea how to do that stuff and it's not even worth asking how because the instructions will be so far over my head I still won't be able to do it and then I will not only feel stupid but will actually look stupid for asking and still not being able to do it. If you are clever ( Stephen, for example) come to my house and do it for me, or don't tease me with what IS possible on a blog and leave me feeling inadequate. Please.
I mind it when writers of great blogs have a life and don't update every day..EVERY day. There isn't anything more important than entertaining and enlightening me, leave the rest of your life unattended and update your blog, yes that means YOU....... leave me a comment telling me I am fabulous and then skidaddle back to your own blog and give me new stuff to read and pictures to look upon.....well? what are you waiting for! GO!
I wish I could do music and cool backgrounds too…but I just cannot figure it out…maybe there is some sort of help group out there for us! I happen to love your blog just the way it is…yours in the first one I read most mornings…as I sit here and drink my tea its always nice to read that Helen’s life all the way across the sea mirrors my own in its craziness…I don’t feel so alone in life!
You are TRULY Fabulous!
I mind that my new blog format squished to blogger toolbar all off to the side like that! GRRR
Helen, You are FABULOUS!!!
Now I am off to my blog to explain why I am not able to update for the next few days. Love ya though!! Bunches :)
to the Fabulous Helen!!:
Love your blog - Love it! It has a nice little 'next blog' button, although I never get bored of yours and leave it, and you've taken it upon yourself to be thoughtful and not leave the rest of us feeling inadequate with your fancy graphics and catchy tunes playing in the background. You never put gross pictures up - only fantastically beautiful pictures of gorgeous children.
You have a comment section, so I can tell you how wonderful your blog is, and that I visit it daily - and you update more than most. That's good. You are the blogger I aspire to be. :)
You are Fabulous.
Just trying to make you feel at home.....
Helen, you are utterly fabulous!
No blog to update for you here. (at least not one I have ever let anyone read ;-) ) Although with your fancy dancy 'next' button you may have! Mine was the one that was really boring with the blue and tan background :p
You are more than Fabulous!!!You are Fabulicious! You know what I mind? Not knowing if I spelled Faulous wrong...The farther away from school I am the worse its getting! LOL
You're fabulous!!!!! I hope you always know that!
I Love this post... You are fabulous....
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