Fun....the real stuff.

You know when your kids are little and you look at the mess they make ,that feeling where you just long for the day when they are grown up and don't get so bloody dirty all the time??? Yeah, right Jordan!!
Also a couple of pics snapped of the big one with the little ones......they clung to him and never left his side until bedtime, only going to bed when he had promised that he would sleep here, for real, promise, he means it...really.!
And this is an example of how Dan is different to everyone else in my life....this morning he asked if I would cut his hair, so I did...and half way through he said " HA! Only a mother could do what you do.." when I asked what he meant he said " look at you, you are cutting my hair, cooking breakfast, clearing up and getting the boys ready for school....ALL AT THE SAME TIME!" See? No-one else would even notice, it's what I do isn't it? But Dan sees and he says what he sees....I love this man!
Great pictures Helen. :) I love the first one of Jordan. Too funny!
So sweet the boys love their big brother so much. :)
wonderful pics - Please tell me Jordan just came home from a Rugby match or something - thats more than the usual horsing around dirty! I love how your wee ones adore their BIG brothers!! and even more how the Big ones adore the little sprites!! Is that naked Seth, or Naked Isaac sitting on the chair LOL - That's usually what Matthew looks like....
How nice that Dan actually sees all the little things that you do. He appreciates you. What a treasure that boy is, no wonder you keep bragging on him so much - I would too!!
Goodness your boys are beautiful (I know I keep saying that but they are!) I only hope Nikki turns out as handsome! Only mom's can earn their degree in multi-tasking...but I think you are more than qualified to teach it...while I have trouble making a bottle and holding the baby still!
Oh Helen. how your heart ever stays in one piece all day long is beyond me. Those boys break MY heart just looking at the pictures!!
You are SO blessed.
ahhhhh mud!!!
I love him too.
A man who notices and sez so.
Now THAT is joy!
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