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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Are you ever too old?

For a parcel?
To me, whether it's a surprise or not I just LOVE I had FOUR.....yeay! 3 were expected but one was such a surprise and no kidding I nearly pee I get so excited.
I ooooh ooh OOOOOHHHHH! The whole time and I try to rip it open without scissors because WHO has scissors in the front room? Teeth...use the teeth darn it, get that thing OPEN! What's IN IT?????? Let me get at it and see........CHEETOS baked cheetos......UM NUM YUM!!!!! Kool aid type stuff that will give these kids some oomph, because let's face it, the boys don't jump or yell or run nearly enough, make up the dark red raspberry stuff and let 'em go ( 6 hours later they are almost running out of steam and whatever else is in that stuff that just makes them WHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!)
Low fat pringles and shrek fruit sweets and turtle fruit sweets and WHACKY CHEESE! Mac n cheese, the real stuff, Kraft stuff.....
I had to smack H's hand away from the cheetos and now they are hidden for a low fat munch at a later date.
What is it about parcels, is it that you know someone has actually thought of you and shopped for you and then braved the post office for you? I think so, it doesn't seem to matter what it in there, although this one from Julie Bo got it SO right.
The others were not quite so exciting although H had bought me a stack of new underwear that , imagine marginally too that DID thrill me! Comfy though and all new and silky and lovely.
Some timberland boots from ebay for Isaac, Ebay U.S.A and they were meant to go to grandpa's, but bless her heart she shipped them right here.
Lovely day , I went for councilling this morning at 8.30...heavens, early but then it's done and the day can carry on.
I don't seem to fall apart anymore, what happens is, I somehow find myself yakketing on, until I have answered the puzzling quandries I find myself having . I tend not to allow myself to think too hard when I'm at home. I have felt lately sort of stuck. Half way there sort of stuck, neither hither nor thither.
Not happy, not sad , not fat, not thin, not the old me, not the new me. Twiddley thumbs.
I am frustrated at the weight stick. I can feel that everything in me is on hold...LET GO YOU BLUBBER GUTS. I don't need the fat anymore. Actually, having said that I am letting go again, mentally that is, whether the scales show it will be another matter. Jan, may the Lord bless her, said today that even if I am not losing weight, she can see that I have changed shape in the 2 weeks since I saw her last ( yes, I have, it's all sort of falling...slipping as it were. I shall have to buy some very stretchy socks soon to tuck my thighs into. ) I sat down at church yesterday and a lovely lady signalled to me and signed that my face was thin .( I'd try and describe how she did that if my writing skills were better but all I can say is it involved stroking her face and sucking her cheeks in ..glorious)
People are so kind. I love kindess it is perhaps one of life's greatest joys to be on the receiving end of kindess.
Pop Tarts, they were in the parcel too. Pop tarts. I never buy pop tarts, which means that they were a huge treat for Isaac and I did see H trying to hide the fact that he was eating one! See? Pop tarts made my husband's day, which made my day, which means my whole family will be happy 'cause we all know, it's the ripple effect, if mama a'int happy, aint no-one happy and it works the other way round too. Joy abounds in this household today. Hoorah for pop tarts and people that mail them.

Jim of the garage hasn't called. Prat face ( I am up to P in the cussabet) My intuition on the car from scrap heap challenge isn't improving, I sort of sailed for an hour or 10 on the hope of the terrified, but by saturday evening reality had sunk in and ...... oh I'll shut up, enough already about the ruddy car ( skip Q, although I will send a prize of an enormous bar of galaxy chocolate to anyone who knows a real swear word beginning with Q, answers on a postcard please)
I think what will happen is, I will send H, grandpa and Kara off to places of interest via train and coach , they can stay in hotels or B & Bs and come back to visit us when they feel like it. I shan't feel a bit left behind or begrudging because Dan, my son, the beloved, called on saturday and said
Ahem, clear cyber throat and tell you what he said.....

" Mum, come to Rome with me, I will pay. In November, we will go for 7 days, I'll pay, you just save some spending money" I want to take you.......I don't want to go with Shawn, I want to go with you.


space for readers world wide to catch their breath and marvel at the gloriousness of my boy)


So, if I stay here and am all understanding and martyrr-ish I shall gain
brownie points that will be cashed in so I can go to Rome with my first born and stay in a 4 star hotel and sleep and be all cosmopolitan and spoilt and holidayed. Method to my madness indeed.

Not tomorrow but the next day Grandpa and Kara will be here. I have done very little to prepare. Last minute crazy tomorrow then. Just the way I like it. I shall be a scrubber of the most moral kind all day and most of the night I'm sure. H has been carpet cleaner extraordinaire, he has put up the bed and fixed curtain rails and been a giddy marvel as always.

So, all in all a grand day indeed. New knickers, therapy without crying and
parcels, may they never stop arriving because I shall NEVER be too old.


Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

YAY it finally got there! I have to tell you tho... compared to a paid trip to Rome on the arm of a gorgeous young man baked cheetos are about up there with monkey turds!




8:22 pm  
Blogger LosingSanity said...

Sounds like you had a great day!!! I love getting boxes of goodies in the mail, too!

And wow..Rome! What a guy!!!! How sweet! Im sure November won't come fast enough for you!

Enjoy all of your goodies!

12:54 am  
Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

That does sound fun and delish. I love the way you described the lady signing to you that your face was thin. Well done.


3:01 am  

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