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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Chicken badass......

I postponed my appointment today, I just couldn't do the 2 miseries at the same time!
I have to say that last night NO TWITCHING, none. I slept from midnight until 8am. It is a miracle.
I am going for my next torture, I mean, appointment with healing, on thursday. I am excited in that it is so obviously working and is giving me so much blogger fodder in a time when my head is a bit empty and boring.

I am very close to being one of 'those' mothers. I am longing to find Sophie just the right young man to be swooning over, I almost stopped a young gorgeousness in the street today to ask if he had a girlfriend and stopped myself just in time by imagining the poor thing's face as he imagined I was asking for myself.

I might just be looking for interesting things to do...when I could be doing that ironing....household chores are so thankless though aren't they? As fast as they get done they become undone and here I am faced with the same monotony again. PTTTTTHHHHHHH.

I feel life is somehow running away leaving me just older and more weary...the rain doesn't help to life my spirits much, not that they are fact it is with huge pride and excitement that I report that not even an anti depressant has passed my lips for several days. This is a massive deal, the anti depressants I have been on are notoriously hard to ever stop, it is said that the side effects when you stop taking this stuff are so awful that it can only be done under strict supervision. I just forgot to take them. I've done that before but become so horrible and paranoid that I take them again and return to normality in a drugged and sweaty kind of way.
This time....nothing, even with the beastly aunt flo, nothing ( although I will admit that a craft project with glue and Elijah was pushing things a tad far this evening, how many hands has that kid got? How did he reach the bottle of glue when I swear that I had him so involved in something else and that bottle way out of reach, right next to me?)
Dare I imagine that all that pricking and pummelling is really really working? I know that when I had that first consultation the things we discussed most were the restless legs and depression/ stress. I am incredibly optimistic ( that alone is miraculous isn't it? Have you ever known a chronically depressed person, without medication feel optimistic?? )
I shall be skipping and tra- la- la-ing through my days before we know it, hell. Imagine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleep? What's that?



3:44 am  
Blogger Julie Q said...

Isn't it funny Helen. We worry all while they are young they will date too early (and etc!) and then we start looking for men for them! My girls have never gone out on a date!

2:09 pm  

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