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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Acora does it again!

I took mum to see Acora today, he is great. He knows stuff, he really does.
He looked at her hand and said " Oh, you've lost a good man haven't you? Recently too. He was a really good man, the very hairs on his head were worth more than all of most of the men you will find today.
you'll never get married again, he won't let you, he hasn't let go and he never will. He's with you all the time isn't he?"
He told her that somewhere there is money, that he left money but she has to look hard, study you remember me saying that just after he died I could hear him saying " STARE at it, tell her to stare at it, check it" ? She is going to have to check every bit of paper he left!
He also said , That house you're in, its too big now, you don't use it, empty rooms. When you're ready, not before, sell it, downsize, sell it for 1000 , buy for 500 , stick the rest in your arse pocket and have some bloody fun!
She can sell her home for a good amount, she could buy something for much less and be safe and settled for life, I look forward to her doing that , she needs less worry.
I feel better today, the mornings are rough, I can't wae up well, hopefully as I wean off the devil meds I can work on that. It has been a really bad few days, I know what I am mad about and can't do anything about it, tough luck. I'm also not telling, because it is evidence that I am a brat, sort of, and I like people thinking I am selfless and angel like. Perfect even.

Jordan was accepted today for an assessment for the army. He is so excited, a step closer, he is training and looking better, feeling better, has a purpose and I can't help but be happy for him.
He goes in a week or so for that days training, then it'll be 2 weeks exercise.....then he'll be gone.
I know he will love it, it's just a hard thing for a mother who finds letting go hard at the best of times!! I want my chicks under my wing and tied to my apron strings and attached to me by their umbilical cord......but actually, when they DO leave and they are happy, like Dan, it's a bit bloody marvellous as well so as long as lanky git is happy being yelled at and told to tidy his room and do as he is told ( home from home really) then it won't take me but a moment to accept that I raised another good man and puff out my chest a bit more.
I shall also make use of his room which is a really good room with access to the back of the house.
There, seeing the silver lining already.
Also, less laundry......

Wonder if Sophie fancies joining up too!!
Ha, talking of Sophie this is a conversation she had with Eli yesterday.
"Ow! Thophie!!..don't bite my bum!"
"oh, sorry, where can I bite then?"
"Wite DAIR!" and pointed to Seth! The kid cracks me up every day.


Blogger Julie Q said...

Acora sounds so cool! I hope your Mum does find a bunch of money someplace. :) Sounds like a treasure hunt.

I hope you are feeling better soon Helen. Sounds like Eli can be helpful in making you feel a little better.

8:19 pm  
Blogger Lilsoutherngirl said...

Gosh I wanna go see Acora, so bad
that sounds so cool

9:42 pm  
Blogger -Lo said...

I swear I want to see him. Does he do readings over the phone? I wonder i really wonder. id love it.

Im so glad your feeling a bit better. Bit by bit...


10:27 pm  
Blogger Jenn said...

You are sounding a bit better Helen. Evil meds are leaving the building!
I hope your mum finds a boatload of money, and Eli, well, Eli is hilarious.
Arggh - curse those acne adverts that make word verification a necessary evil - they make me feel completely useless as I never get them on the first round....

1:55 pm  

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