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Location: United Kingdom

Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

I slept.

Without a twitch or jump from 10.30 last night until 8 his morning. Actually my legs began to hurt at 9ish so I popped one of the scarey tablets and by 10 I was like drunken fool, thought I would lay down on the couch for a minute or 10 and Eli woke me up at midnight, I couldn't function, I walked into walls, I staggered and sniggered and somehow got me and him up the stairs and knew not a thing until 8 this morning.
I kind of felt pukey all morning, we went to a sweet little town to collect an i MAC. PC that H got on ebay. we had to drive through a ford to get out and the boys thought that was the bees knees...

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

We drove right along the sea front and the waves were crashing right up to the road ( 'course, as soon as H pointed the camera they stopped!) it is Torrential rain today, a day to sit inside and be cosy.

I feel good. Mellow ( me thinks that could be the new meds too that are also used for anxiety and stress, chill man, all's cool) Hope I don't get more stupid with these meds. I was thinking about what I know, about my mind the other day and came to the conclusion that I think I don't learn with my head. My head is a bit empty and rattley. I learn and remember and teach and function with my heart.
Everything I know and understand is about life, how to live and get the best out of people and living.
When I see or hear facts and figures my brain shrivells and whimpers, don't ask me to know stuff. Please don't ,because I can't. I am like Homer Simpson. I have just enough room in my brian for a few necessities, if I try and remember a new thing, an old fact gets pushed out. Honest.
If I had to remember my 12 times tables, chances are I would forget my name. Get me to memorise the states of America and I will forget where I live ( although I sometimes do that anyway)
My heart though, well that never forgets. I know who loves me, I know what they need, I even know what they need when they don't tell me because my heart gets a tug and my spirit hears the plea.
I have been known to frighten people I know and love because I see and know things they don't tell me.
I think we all have the capability to do this. We just have to be in tune with our hearts and spirits. Sometimes you will think or feel to do something it though, see what happens.

My sister and I were out one day in the summer, it was HOT HOT...we bought a lolly, a delicious cool lolly with fruit and ice cream inside.
We were enjoying them and suddenly I said
" Hey, Margeret B needs one of these"
"Margaret needs one of these, I feel it, come on"
We went, we bought a whole box and drove a few miles to this ladies house...laughing because well, how do you turn up and say you know someone needs something as daft as an ice lolly?
Knock knock...."Hello, Margeret, we're mad, you need some of these don't you?"
She looked and then she burst into tears. She was mid cycle of chemo for breast cancer. Her mouth was filled with sore blisters, she couldn't eat, her husband was away for 3 days and she had turned out her kitchen to try and find something cool and fruity to soothe her poor mouth. She had been crying because the shops were too far away and she was desperate. My heart heard her and my head listened. Clever heart, obedient head.

I don't mind a bit that my head can't remember stuff, maybe it needs to be empty to hear the things my heart tells it to do. I like having a heart that knows things, I hope that it gets more and more clever as my brain gets more and more stupid.
You can't go to heart school and learn things, you have to just live. You have to get your heart hurt to strengthen it, you have to allow your heart to take risks and ignore your head when it tells you to back off, be careful.

Praying makes your heart smart, if you pray a lot and ask for the chance to help others it will get so smart you'll hardly recognise it. If you cast your bread upon the waters it will come back buttered. If you hide what you have and try to keep it to yourself it will die and rust and you'll lose it. m

Lesson one in having a smart heart. Should have done this tomorrow, it's a bit of a sunday theme isn't it??

Oh the
blob blog is up!


Blogger -Lo said...

Hellsbells imma work on your header this weekend!

4:41 pm  
Blogger The other me said...

Thanks, I got some stuff on there, i love that skiping lady!

4:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you slept last night! It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for the temperment! Little Will is doing VERY well at night (knock on wood) by only waking me once. I can't complain. Well, I can, but I won't. ;)

I'm so thankful for people with hearts like yours. You'll never know how many people you help!

Happy weekend!

6:00 pm  
Blogger -Lo said...

Okay i read it all. You are so wonderful. You know that?!?! I am just blessed to call you friend. And send you kissy packages every now and again ;)


9:10 pm  
Blogger dawn! said...

i feel the same way...i forget everything. i think it is from having too many kids!

5:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that is beautiful! I love it!

I hope that you are feeling better then you were last night. Sometimes those drugs are great for pain but terrible on the tummy!!

1:57 pm  
Blogger MamaTink said...

Oh Helen. You are the most beautiful, most wonderful person EVER.

I'm so glad that you got some good, non-twitchy sleep. no worries about the middle of the night sniggering, bouncing off walls bit. I do that without medication :)


4:24 pm  
Blogger LosingSanity said...

If the world were filled with more ppl like you, it would be a much happier, peaceful place.

And glad you were able to get some good sleep. Everyone needs some rest!

5:06 am  

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