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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wish me ( us) luck. UPDATE.

So yesterday, I went to see the doctor, not MY doctor that I am registered with, that Sophie saw, because actually, he always appears so disinterested and bored, but the lovely doctor that I always try and see. I sat with her and told her everything about this past week. The grest news is, apparantly I have told her several times about our woes with the girl child, lamenting often and in detail about her shininigans and the reactions she has provoked. Hoorah for being a tell tale whiny sort of person who can't keep her mouth shut ( yeay ME!!) Also, her many visits with unexplained bruising. Phew.
The lovely Doctor said that if I can get Sophie in to see her, she will immediately refer to her to a neurologist, order testing to see if the areas in her brain that were evidently damaged that caused her epilepsy as a child are still proving to cause trouble. Whetever, she said that it is plain to see that Sophie has some kind of problem that must not be left alone any longer.
Sophie and I are going at 5pm tonight. I talked her into it by saying that a) she isn't happy like this. b) no-one is happy with her being like this c) she will never find her life is improving while she keeps doing what she is doing and as beautiful as she is, there are very few gorgeous boys who will be willing to risk being on the receiving end of her outbursts or unpredictable behaviour.
I also said that when she was little, until we left for the states her behaviour and such was deemed disabling enough for her to receive large amounts of govt money.
If this should be proven that once again ( 0r still) her brain is making her do things that she otherwise might not do, she will get more help, faster help and she could even get some money. Make the appointment mother.
She needed reassurance that she wouldn't end up in a home with a red button necklace waiting for some burly man in a white coat to take her in a mini bus for a day trip to the zoo, that she would still be encouraged to live an independant life, in a lovely flat of her own with beautiful dresser ( that she doesn't know about because it is for her birthday and is a SURPRISE!!) and shiny saucepan.
I am doing this one day at a time because I have the horrible feeling that if drugs ( of a prescribed and not cool nature) or councilling are mentioned, well she may run for the hills and say, in the way she does so well. NO.
So, wish us luck today. First things first.
Oh, while at the doctors yesterday, I had a chat and catch up about my ( sorry if we have mixed company) hideous periods and increasing misery each month. Fibroids are in my beautiful and youthful womb, they will get bigger and cause more trouble and we are done making babies ( that turn into teenagers however divine they may be when first born) I only have to give the nod and we can whip that old womb out and be done with it all. I rather fancy that whole idea, especially as it would mean what would pass for a HOLIDAY with ROOM SERVICE and sleeping drugs and visitors with flowers.
I am leaving my decision for later, I shall drag it out and mull it over on those days when a break is like a blessed dream. I shall imagine not needing a calendar or hot water bottles or industrial size packets of industrial size pads every month. I shall hug that idea of a holiday to my weary bosom and not think about pain or being barren or early menopause or any of that stuff because we all need a little happy place to take ourselves don't we?

After the doctors visit.

It went well, I think. She behaved dreadfully at first, slouching and making rude hand gestures while talking about H. When I pointed out that she was being disrespectful to H but also to the doctor and herself and asked her if she thought what she had just done had made her look clever or funny to anyone in that room, asked her to sit up and we'd start again.
She argued with me about several things and then, she sat slumped, but quiet while we chated etc.
I left the room so she would feel more able to talk about how she feels and I tried not to listen. I did hear her say that she feels so angry all the time, that sometimes, she just wants to make other people feel just some of how she feels.
She is sad and has agreed to go to councilling, it remains to be seen whether she sticks with it when the going gets tough, because it IS a tough thing to go through.
She has been referred to a neurologist who will decide of further investigation is necessary. She says that she does find her mind blanking out but that could be depression.
She is having tests for thyroid deficiency.
She admitted that she has taken drugs, used to smoke pot but hasn't since last year. Please let THAT be the truth because with a brain already damaged she doesn't need anything that will mess with it anymore.


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Beautiful Cobi, who is 11 days old, has been in hospital for 3 days with chest and breathing troubles. Tonight he has been rushed to another hospital 100 miles away, on a ventilator because the doctors just can't seem to make him well. He is so tiny and new. Please pray with us that he will grow and get better. Thankyou.

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Blogger LosingSanity said...

So glad to hear that Sophie is going to go to the doctor! Hope it all goes well! If she wants to say no to meds, etc, just remind her of those things you said to get her in there in the first place.

My periods are heading back in that direction again. It will be nice to not have to suffer through them each month. And, yes, the HOLIDAY in the hospital. Sadly, i sometimes fantasize about being in the hospital, where everyone is waiting on me, cleaning up after me..and i just lay there! LOL

2:36 pm  
Blogger Julie Q said...

That is wonderful, I do hope Sophie makes it to her appointment today. I'm glad the sound of money makes her want to go! :)

I am headed in that same direction with fibroids. Well, Friday I found out if that is what is making my uterus larger.

3:51 pm  
Blogger LosingSanity said...

So glad that Sophie went to the doctor and I hope she follows through with the counceling. It will do her a world of wonders to work through her anger and realize how much happier she can be once she is able to let it go.

I will pray for little Cobi that he gets well soon! I'm sure mom is scared as heck! Poor little guy!

12:02 am  
Blogger Julie Q said...

Oh Helen, I hope little Cobi will be alright. Such a sweet baby. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

Good luck with Sophie. I hope some questions about her are able to be answered. And perhaps fixable.

12:56 am  
Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Prayers for little Cobi coming your way.

I'm so happy Sophie got through the appt ok.

I'm still pro-hysterectomy if my vote counts!



1:43 am  
Blogger Susie said...

So many things to say, and my arms aren't cooperating today, so let me be brief: I love to read your blog. You write about the most real, and sometimes the most serious things, with so much humor and spirit, even when in pain. You are an amazing woman. You and yours have my prayers. And I am wondering just what day Sophie's birthday is (forgive me, you've probably said here somewhere). My girl's is today, 2/22.

8:37 pm  

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