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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Watching day.

It was watching day at dance class today, a mother's chance to sit in and see how her precious darling is doing in Mrs dance teachers class. Hopeless is how my darling is doing.
He is, of course divine. He adores the whole thing, and if enthusiasm and cuteness were factors, my boy would be the star of the class. He brought joy and smiles and I heard how edible he is, his dear legs just don't quite want to let him toe heel, tap and clap.
I cannot imagine what state I would be in should he ever be in any kind of production because, honestly I just have to look at those skinny legs in leggings, that little spider monkey face split in the biggest grin, watch those dear feet trying to get some kind of co-ordination going on and I am hopelessly lost to emotion.
He is quite good at the modern dance because it actually isn't really dancing, more running and skipping, rolling on the floor, wiggling toes and clapping. 3 year olds are good at that stuff.
I take my hat off to this teacher who saw her class falling into complete chaos because little people don't do well when mummy is in the room, at one stage it almost totally fell apart, circle time, yeay! everyone hold hands! Everyone did, Elijah held his right hand with a little girl, his left hand? Half of it up his nose...digging for victory, no half hearted attempt to clear his nasal passages, he meant business and in between digging he would hold out the hand and say "come on then!" as little girls took one look and scurried over to the child on the other end, therefore making a line, not a circle. The audience, small as it was, was pretty much in hysterics, I feigned indignation and said " What?? I can't imagine why no-one wants to hold my babies hand! What?! He's divine.......even his bogies are divine!"
Brave Mrs Teacher bridged the gap and held his bogie covered hand, she knows treasure when she sees it.
So, my dreams of a teeny tiny star of the stage took a bashing today but my heart took flight to see such unadulterated joy wearing tap shoes.
I wonder what makes people feel the urge to teach these little people to 'dance' what gives them so much patience to do it week after week and have to say over and over again
" sweetheart....shall we get off the windowsill and get in a line?"
" No....let's not hang off the rail..look it will fall off and hurt you"
" Quiet feet please"
All I know is, I am happy that there are people out there that choose to do it, so that mummies like me can sit and rub the goosepimples on their arms, wipe the tears from their eyes and thank their lucky stars that they can scrape together the fees every term to enable their babies to tap and stamp their way to glory.
2 weeks without dancing class, as the school is closed for the Easter holidays. I shall be sad when his legs go in the right direction ....another sign that the baby is leaving and he is growing up way too fast. So sweet to see him suck his thumb in between clapping and wiggling his fingers. These little baby things stop unnoticed, we just realise one day that they haven't done them for a while. I dread the day he doesn't want to play with our ears when he snuggles, can't stand to think of the day when he is embarrassed about wearing leggings and stops smiling at himself in the mirror as he skips and turns.
I'm glad for watching days, it reminds me to do just that. Stop and watch for those things that end too quickly.



Blogger LosingSanity said...

I bet it was just wonderfl watching them...sounds like you got a good laugh! Kids are sooo cute!

2:13 am  
Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Oh that sounds SO sweet! And he couldn't have been anywhere near as bad as Sarah was at ballet LOL (remember that video???).

But you're right.. there is something quite divine about that awkward duck among all the swans isn't there?

2:52 pm  
Blogger MamaTink said...

I love how well you write Helen. I can picture the entire scene as though it was my own memory.

How very wonderful to be able to call him yours :)

I love it :)


2:02 pm  

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