Can you see?

How gorgeous this girl is?
( little hoochie popped her boobs out just to freak me out just as I was taking the picture!!) When I see her laughing and sweet like this I just ache for her to be my friend! She is, when she lets herself, very funny ( although a tad too unselfconscious if that is possible!)
H has been on a day trip today with Seth, so just Sophie and I with the little boys, I took her with me to a car boot sale and then after we had lunch we went to Teignmouth to the park and I cooked her all time favourite for dinner, Gammon steaks and baked potatoes.......she was glorious and it shows me how much she still needs me to make a fuss of her no matter how grown up that body of hers is. She loves me, this girl. Very good, nice to remember that for the times she could fool me otherwise.
It's- exhausting- spending- the- day- with- Sophie- she- is- capable- of- talking- without- taking- a- breath- about- things- that- make- no- sense- at- all- without- stopping- to- even- let- me- know- she- has- switched- subjects. My mind , I think, has managed to become quite good at letting it sort of skim over the top of my head whist picking out the bits a mother's ears should always hear, like the time they came down this road....which road? THIS road? You need a CAR to come down this road! What car? Who's car? How old is HE? When did you come down this road? WHEN?!? Exhausting but lovely. She'll be grown soon ( won't she?) so these days together are a bit precious.
I'm glad I had my girl, boys are so much easier to raise then girls but I suspect that somehow, this girl will actually make me so proud one day that all the fight and the tears will have been so worth it.
She is a beautiful girl Helen. :)
At my house, the girls have been a breeze compared to my 13 year old boy though. I have to guess that everybody is different and I was lucky with my girls. And maybe my 4 year old boy won't be soooo moody. ;)
She truly is stunning!
Awwwww what a GREAT day. These are needed it seems, and when times get tough remember it...
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