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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Friday, January 27, 2006

And then of course, there is the other side!

  1. Reading Julie's blog and smiling at the stuff that makes her happy made me want to do the same and tell you what makes me feel good about the world.....

    Watching Sophie be such a girlie....sometimes I am bemused by her ability to rattle on for hours about shoes or hair or make up but I love the way she is so froo froo fluffy! She dyed her hair THREE times today ( will it fall out?!) it is now a glorious sort of deep brown with red in it ....I love it that she is doing all this stuff now, when she has kids she'll think it's fabulous if she manages to shave both legs on the same day.

    My lounge, when everyone has gone to bed, fire lit, dim lights, cosy sofa, complete heaven!
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  3. Phone calls from Dan....I love it that he calls at least 3 times a week just to say Hello, I love it that he tells me about his life, is still so excited when the good things happen that he calls me right away. He calls to ask my advice on what to do, if he feels ill and is worried. I love it that he still likes me even though he is all grown up and lives so far away!

    It makes me happy that my mum lives right by the boys' school ,we pop in every day and say hello and share news, I love being friends with my mum.

    I love it when H says my name! He always calls my mommy in front of the boys.....but sometimes he will say my name and my whole world skips.

    Cauliflower cheese and warm crusty bread, what a hug meal, the world is good when I tuck into that!

    Words said wrong by little mouths. My kids have had some great ones!
    Chagoozi ( Jacuzzi)
    Limbozeen ( limousine )
    Geewaft ( giraffe)
    Teetee ( auntie)
    Gomputer ( computer)
    Bollom ( bottom)
    Hostabull ( hospital)
    Dadull Car willawum beeapbeeorb ( how dan said his name for nearly a year!!)
    Dopey - Alec ( Sophie-Alex, how she used to say HER name for nearly a year!)
    Ellawump ( Elephant)
    Ocpolus ( octopus)

    Getting to the school a half hour early and sitting in the peaceful car reading the newspaper.....that one makes me REALLY happy!


    Snuggling with the Eli boy when he is going to sleep. making a rod for our own backs here but what a rod, he sucks his thumb and makes a divine sort of singing "nnnngggg nnnggggg " noise, plays with my ears and just oozes gloriousness to make up for every ounce of energy he has sapped throughout the day! And walking into the front room at 7am and seeing that he has snuck downstairs and discovered that the sofa really IS a good place to nap!
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  5. Walking with Isaac ( usually) my shadow boy who I miss when he is at school ( in the most enjoyable way of course!) he is my friend and is great company.

    Laughing at Jordan, he is a clown and has a fabulous carefree way about him ...he is a good boy and makes me very happy. I'm very gald I don't hear EVERYTHING he gets up to though!

    Listening to Seth and H having intellectual conversations, something so bizarre and thrilling about a five year old who loves to talk about science and all things boffin.

    Seth's tiny face. Everything is perfectly in proportion and teeny tiny.

    The fact that there are more things that make me happy than make me


Blogger -Lo said...

loce your list!
And your couch, i wanna sink into it, I love the red accents in your room, so lovely!

2:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“She dyed her hair THREE times today ( will it fall out?!)”, oh my, Sophie and I are really alike in the hair color obsession, although I’ve only died it twice in one day. I don’t recommend stripping it to bleach and then dyeing it…it will break and fall out…yeah I looked like I was wearing a straw wig for days!

I cannot get over how beautiful your new home it, it looks like the kind of house you’d see in a home designer magazine. Good job on the decorating, it looks so nice! Very peaceful and relaxing…although the long drapes have me thinking of little boys trying to hang from them or climb them….

Helen, I love the way you write about your family, I can feel the love in your home through your words.

12:54 am  
Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

I would be terribly happy to take tea in your sitting room!

6:33 am  

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