Someone's taken my stocking!!
And all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse.
Apart that would be,
From Seth...oh how SHOCKING
Who awakened his mother
"Seth!" hissed his mother
( she can be rather surly)
It is just after 3...
That is REALLY too early!
" Go right back to sleep!
Lie back down in your bed!
Don't you waken your dad
Or the boys!" She then said.
"But", wailed young Seth
"It WAS there, hanging high,
Now it's gone and I just
Have no clue as to why!
There's a thief in this house
And I'm terribly sad
Because who, in this world
Would do something so bad?"
"Come with me", said his mother
But do NOT make a sound!"
And they crept to the lounge
Where she looked on the ground.
"Shhhh" be so still
"Look at this little boy"
And he stared at the floor
And his heart filled with joy.
For there, in a row
Were stockings, 1, 2, 3,
"One for Eli, one for Isaac and
LOOK, one for ME!"

The crime had been solved,
There was even a letter
From Santa himself,
That made everything better.
The tree was surrounded
With gifts for the boys
there were so many parcels
Filled with treasure, like toys.

"Thank the Lord" thought Seth's mother,
"Now we'll go back to bed
And grab some more sleep"
Which was easily said.
Wide awake now, she lay and she tried
( But in vain)
To snuggle back to down in her bed..
And sleep once again.
But it just wouldn't happen
Damn and blast it to ...well,
I'll let you imagine, I
Just cannot tell.
It is now past 4.30
And Seth's mother is here
Feeling weary and grumpy and
Lacking in cheer.
She can only but hope
That the day starts much later
Or she'll be an old hag
And they're all bound to hate her.
After 3 hours sleep,
It all starts up again,
the stockings were opened and
we were happy just when
The boys saw the masses
Of gifts waiting there
So we opened them all and
Dumped the trash on the chair.
There were toys and some clothes
And some treasures galore
We can hardly believe that we
Could ever want more.
Some real dreams were given
Some huge smiles we did see
When we opened those presents
Hidden under the tree.
But the 'stuff' though it's lovely
And exciting and new,
What we try to remember
Is the meaning that's true.
That this time of the year
we should be extra kind
We should care for each other
And keep it in mind
That at christmas it's Jesus
We should think of and praise
And should keep Him up front
In our hearts all our days.
So from our House to yours
May we wish you all well.
And a Happy New Year
While we're at it, as well.
Labels: Christmas, happy stuff
:) Very cute Helen! I love the Grumpy Butt jammies too!
Merry Christmas Helen! And a very Happy New Year to you as well.
I hope your flight home goes as well as the flight to the states.
Merry Christmas, and you're VERY clever! Have been vicariously enjoying your vacation.
You're simply BRILLIANT.. Yep.. BRILLIANT!
Helen, I haven't read your blog in over a week and just now I caught up with you on your vacation. Thanks for telling us about it all. It seemed so exciting even to me here in Tennessee. I imagine you have had a wonderful time, but will be happy to be back to your home. May all of you have a very Happy New Year....just as you have had a Merry Christmas. I loved reading about your journey! The boys are so cute. I kept looking for a picture of you...I wouldn't have minded the cold sores and the fuzzy hair!!!! Stay Safe and Happy!!!! TN
Oh, And I LOVED the poem! Clara... That is almost brilliant!!!!
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