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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Laughter, they say, is the best medicine ( with some added extras)

I have a blog and I almost forgot because STUFF and LIFE and LAUGHTER.
Can hardly believe it.
Where to start?
Maybe here....
Because, oh my, did we laugh. This is an exercise machine that you stand on, hold onto and then it shakes you, apparantly it makes you feel fabulous and refreshed and a tiny part of me wanted to have a go but look at how much MEls almost not there bottom jiggled and also Sophie's slightly more substantial but perfectly beautiful bits...

and the laughing...

And can you hear Jordan saying " but you're not meant to shake babies?" which is very touching but the baby is fine, he felt perhaps jiggled for 15 seconds and then it was over and all is well.
So sorry that the videos are sideways but I forget that you can't rotate them, oh well, you can get the gist of how we very nearly got thrown out of that lovely shop, we drew crowds because we laughed so loud and so hard for so long.

That baby is so ready to come out, a week, that's all until he is due. I can barely stand the excitement and am perfectly willing to admit that the very thought of meeting this little boy has my eyes watering and I may even have to take a few deep breaths because this baby is so adored and so precious to us, I love being a Nana before I have even seen him or touched him, before I even know his name. If I could I would knit tiny cardigans and booties, I would crochet blankets just so he would know how much I love him. So I could physically prove that, material evidence that Nana adores him. I have so much time as a Nana, no room to ready, no bags to pack, no nappies to buy or worries to nurse.
Just pure, unadulterated joy and anticipation.

I could share this...

and this
Of this little boy who is nearly 7. Who 3 years ago couldn't say a word, who hid and was afraid of so many things. Who now is passionate about Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis, every day, at some stage, he dresses like this and he sings, with so much passion and intensity. I want so much to tape him singing "Jenny Jenny" by little Richard. He won't let me because he says I will show people and he hates people looking at him. It is quite the most unbelievably touching thing.
*He sat next to H the other day, with eyes like saucers and earphones in, and he was shaking...he said " Oh..OH! This is GREAT, was just listening to this by the Beatles but they were rubbish compared to THIS...this is so GREAT!" ( Little Richard, Johnny be Good")* ( forgot that little nugget when I first wrote this)

He tries so hard to keep up and he does a splendid job, he never misses a "ooooooh!"
'Jenny jenny won't you come along OOOOOH, spinninspinninglikeaspinnin' top....OOOOOOOH!

He is my heart boy, completely fills my heart every single day. I wouldn't change a thing about this boy. I wonder if he has any idea how glorious he is.
Clothes are so important to him, I can't quite grasp how his mind works about clothes, his day is only 'right' when his clothes are right, there are times when I could scream with frustration because it all has to be exactly right, he cannot simply put on what is ready and in fact I have nothing more to do with his getting dressed other than doing the laundry. He knows where his clothes are, he knows what he needs to wear, he has them lined up ready, when he is ready for bed his next day clothes will be where he wants them to be, when he is dressed his night time clothes will be where he can find them. He never loses his shoes, he always knows where his things are, it matters to him. ( And it is quite the most glorious thing, unless I screw up, unless I forget something is washed but not dried, unless he can't find what he had ready and I moved because it needed to be washed and would have been washed and dried and put back, if that happens, the sky falls in. Loudly)
New clothes are an issue, sometimes I see something and know he will love it...and he won't even look at it because I didn't notice, before buying something that he sees immediately and cannot live with, a zip with a pull that is too wide, for instance, stitching that is insulting to the eye. I do not buy Isaac clothes now unless he is with me, short sleeved shirts that button up? Yegads! What was I thinking? We shop, I pick up, he glances for less than a second and he either nods or he turns away. If he nods I ask " Yes?" and he will answer "yes", then I say " Will you wear it?" and he will say " yes" and then I buy 2. Sometimes he will say yes to it and then when I ask if he will wear it he will say " no" and he always has a very specific reason for not wanting to wear it.
Life is so much easier now he speaks! He has great taste, he likes microfibre and silk, he likes colours that he looks great in ( although I have yet to see any colour he doesn't look great in)He takes great care of his clothes and great pride in how he looks, as does Elijah ( although his taste is not quite up to par, ) Seth? HE oculd acre less, if it has something to do with basketball he likes it, he will wear black and red Nike pants with a green basketball vest and a blue and yellow NBA jacket, oh and throw on a bright green baseball cap to finish it off, I say he doesn't care but once he is dressed he then cares, because he is NOT about to waste anymore time getting changed, this is it, he's wearing it, life to live and all that and does anyone have anything to say about that?

Oh, I could tell you more about Boston, the trip that is a mere 5 weeks away now. I was excited from the beginning about this trip but as each day passes I get more and more anxious for the time to come. There have been almost daily chats between the 'trippers' Yahoo is my friend, because of these online gaggle sessions I know these glorious women so much better, with webcams thrown into the mix I feel that there is little left to discover, I could not love these women more, I have seen and heard them, laughed with them, seen their delicious children, heard those little voices, been into homes and invited them into mine and feel as though I belong.
Every woman should have friends like these, I have felt my spirits left over the past few weeks because so much laughter, so many evenings of cameraderie and discovering who is who, some upfront and extrovert, others happy to be in the background soaking in the atmosphere, some in fact all, gentle and compassionate. Some so quick that you are left reeling by how fast that wit is there, in your face and making you guffaw and splutter. All generous to a fault and longing to share, in person the things that will bring to Boston.
There will be a feast of sickening proportions on the friday,we may have to find a shelter and donate because everyone is bringing their favourite treats. 12 women all bringing treats knowing there will be 12 women? There will be much.

The list could go on and on but I will end it here purely because tomorrow, I may have nothing to say and so shall carry on where I left off as if that is exactly what I planned on doing anyway.
I like laughing, can there ever be enough of it? Not in my book and I am pretty certain that so much of it in my life lately is making me well, after a long time of being poorly. Great medicine and so easy to swallow.
* Oh and my sister called to tell me thi story, because we are a whole family of wheezing laughers.
She took her THREE dogs for a walk in a lovely doggy walking park, riverside country place. A responsible dog owner she picks up the poop ( thankyou Julie for that, I may never have a dog because I cannot even acknowledge they poop, never mind walk behind them, picking it up and swinging the bag until an available poo bin is found) She also has a natty new mobile phone, tiny and sleek, her way I suspect of hanging onto her youth, instead of a sports car because a) she can't afford a sports car and b) she wouldn't get 3 cocker spaniels into a sports car, or her grandchildren, so teeny phone it is then.
"hmmmm, she mused, " what to do with expensive and very tiny new phone, large roomy pocket in pants will lose it, everything falls out of pocket ...would hate to lose this phone, darn, what to do, must have 2 free hands for dog pooh picking up duties. AHA! Boots! Great idea, shall tuck phone in boot, problem solved." So she did.
Off she went, tra la la, lovely weather, pleasant walk, happy dpgs, time to leave..will call Berian let him know she is on the way home....OH NO!! Phone is GONE, KNEW would lose phone, darn baggy pants, what was she thinking?? was searching everywhere she had been, no phone, one kind fellow dog walker, helped her search under benches, behind trees, along paths, nothing, nowhere, was lost.
"Do you have a phone with you by the way?" said Julie.
"Why yes I do", said kind lady, " should I ring your phone and we will see if we hear it?!
So she did and wouldn't you know? A distant ring...HOORAH! They set off in direction of ring, heads down and ears to the ground, so NEAR..and can you believe they spent a looong time following that ring, saying things like " it IS here somewhere.. listen!" and " I think we are REALLY close!" before Julie, who is 49 but so not senile ( much) remembered she had the darn thing in her boot, I would have paid good money or given chocolate to have seen her face when she remembered and had to tell that lady who had given up her quiet time in the park to help look for that phone, that was never lost, and I might even have lost a little of my iron bladder control if I had been able to be there when she told. My family are nearly as funny as my friends and I didn't even have to choose them, how lucky can some people be?? *

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Blogger Ms. Sarah said...

knew i should have put my pamper on before reading lol. The videos are too funny. your little man is very handsome..

11:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are my pharmacist cause I get a daily dose of laughter from you! Something tells me we will be overdosing, come June.

Love you!

12:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those videos are hilarious. HILARIOUS! Not long now before that gorgeous little one is here and I canot wait to hear all about him!!

I cannot wait for Boston either. It will be phenomenal :) WOOT WOOT

2:57 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I already left a comment but had to come back for a seconds!!

Bwahahahaha hahahaha oh and hahaha about your sister.

You are surrounded by funny people!

10:44 pm  

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