Go, my Isaac!

Today was a great day! I saw Isaac battle through a hard time and come out smiling. Isaac had his first party without Seth today, Matthew's party at Matthew's house. It was everything I think a 4 year olds party should be, outside in the garden, bouncy castle, lots of ride on toys and friends.
Isaac was SO excited about this party, we went shopping and bought the now standard leather football and we packed it and tissue papered it and wrote in a card with a badge with 4 on it ( apparantly more exciting than the football in Isaac's eyes) he asked all day if it was time to put his new stripey shirt and jeans on ( whoohoo NEW ones! Bought without consultation by Jordan who is a bit of a fashion lover and said he couldn't resist the trendy jeans and shirt! If he had asked me I would have sworn it was a waste of money but Isaac clapped eyes on those clothes and they have been THE outfit ever since!!) at last we got changed and headed for Matthew's house.
" you stay a me mummy.....you say Happy bert-day a ma-yoo...you say Hello a
Ma-yoo mummy" reassured that I would stay, that I would say the hello's and happy birthdays we went in....with Isaac so tightly behind me, gripping both legs so tight we must have looked the most bizarre sight ( have you ever tried walking to impress with a 3 year old hanging onto the back of your thighs??) He was literally shaking, his fear was so enormous, no Seth to take the attention, all eyes on Isaac and people saying Hello to him....how marvellous then that all seemed to understand very quickly that the very kindest thing to do for Isaac is to pretend he isn't there, give mummy a drink and talk to mummy, make a fuss of the other kids and pretend you don't notice two little sun browned hands loosening their grip on mummy's legs. Ooh look ( just pretend you're NOT looking) there's a little face with saucer like eyes peering 'round from behind mummy....they have seen the bouncy castle and darn it if they aren't just getting bigger at the thought of having a tremendous bounce on it. Oh Oh.....we can see that Joe is here and Levi and Heather...uh oh Sophie and Carina the naughty twins are here too ( great they get LOTS of attention no-one will notice Isaac )
"Mummy...... I go in a car, you watch me, say no uvver mummy watch me, only you watch me" and he was off...had a splendid time racing in a play car, the bouncy castle called his name and who on this earth can jump and bounce and crash and NOT laugh and shout and love every moment?
The other kids were great and somehow they seem to understand that just to say his name and invite him is enough, invite him to play and then make no fuss and my Isaac is happy, he bounced and jumped and bounced some more and out bounced all the other kids who got tired and went to find other games....suddenly there was my sweaty Isaac, positively beaming and he said " Mummy, me bit lonely in here" My Isaac- LONELY, wanting company!! We played pass the parcel ( which was hard at first as he had to look at who he was passing to and then deal with being looked AT while he had a turn to tear the paper and find a treat ) and then we went in to eat, can you imagine my heart when we walked into Matthews house to get some party food and my Isaac's little voice said " Oh Ma-yoo, you got LUFFLY home!"
He stood and chewed on his fingers while we sang happy Birthday but he loved the Madagascar cake and the party bag was such treasure, his pride was immeasureable on the drive home, he did it, he went to a party and he LOVED it, the next one will be easier and more fun and hopefully HIS party will be the ultimate joyful day for him.
My pride in him today was overwhelming, he is my joy.

Oh Helen,
That's fabulous!
He is SO beautiful and I am so proud of him.
And you, of course!
It sounds like he did great Helen! :) My 4 year old cries when we sing Happy Birthday, so I think Isaac handled it well. ;)
Helen, I gotta tell you - I know that feeling.
It is TREMENDOUS and good on Isaac for being such a brave boy! That is remarkable progress for him. He has come soooooo far!
How good it must make you feel :)
A great day for everyone!
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