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Location: United Kingdom

Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Restful Sunday.

I stayed home from church today thanks to my throat. Heavens it's SO sore...looks perfectly revolting too, I will get it checked tomorrow as it must need some anti biotics. Trying to sleep is horrible as somehow my throat wants to close and try falling asleep with that feeling going on!!
In my quest for lounge perfection I found myself boggle eyed at ebay again. Lo and behold, if I didn't find another leather enemble that sounded as if it should go perfectly with the sofa I found last month. It was a bit of a gamble because the colours never seem to be true on the pictures, my gut told me to go for it though and I won another couch, 2 chairs and a footstool, a year old, having been loved by an older couple. It cost £ 216.01 which is again a mere 10th of what the original owners paid but a substantial whack for me to hand out all at once. I grit my teeth and it arrived today and it is PERFECT! We are so posh, honestly I might start making people bow when they come through the door, I took a picture of H in one of the chairs because he looks as though he is being swallowed whole! He looks really small in it! Small but perfectly comfortable and a bit grand.
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I took a picture that was supposed to have Isaac in but he hid, almost.
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We were watching Lassie, do you remember the Lassie films, are they not the best films ever? Do you think my kids were in the least bit interested? H and I found ourselves getting very grumpy at their irreverence to the brilliance of the Collie dog. If sunday afternoons weren't made for Lassie films and comfy couches then I may as well give it all up here and now. Heathen children, took themselves into the other room and put Batman on. BATMAN!

I took a picture of the couch, with Seth on it, because he told me to and because then I could show people and they can marvel at my ebaying genius.
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Now I will admit that as a rule, I like to show off with pictures of my home when they kids are in bed, I can pretend that the pillows are always just 'so' ( and already I have got rid of some and changed others!) that we never have stuff all over the floor, or wires coming out of the TV because H is playing movies from his Ipod, we don't have phones not in their holders being charged and looking tidy, or hideous linen napkins that look horrible but at least catch some of the orange juice and ice cream dribble. However, today I thought I would show you how it really is. Somehow my coffee table looks dirty, it really isn't, it's actually sort of rustic looking in real life, just as well because it is getting more and more rustic looking with each bash of a hotwheel. I'm not overly keen on the perfect 'Seth surname' written in green pen that won't come off unless we sand 3 inches of the table top off but it'll be quite sweet when he's 30 and we show his kids what a bugger he was. ( will the table last that long I wonder?!)
So, a long but quiet day, back to school tomorrow. H is walking them to school because the seperation anxiety has hit an all high. If I so much as go to the back door they hang onto me screaming and saying they are worried and can they come? and they will be good! and what if they dont see me for 3 minutes? When they accept that they really can't come with me, we have 20 minutes of hugging and kissing and I love you and I miss you and I'm worried. We hope that they won't do that to H tomorrow. They don't seem to mind when he goes out. What a treat it will be not to have to get dressed and do the school run. I shall savour it.
Tomorrow is my weigh in with the doctor ( if she has an appt, they run a deal here where you call first thing in the morning) . I will of course fill you in on all the details. The drug she is going to prescribe if I have lost the right amount of weight is called ORLISTAT. I am releived to read that the hideous side effects are considerably lessened if you eat well. My whole aim is to eat well, not stuff myself and suffer the consequences! I am a bit nervous though, as with all medications if you read ALL the side effects its like reading a torture manual. I am putting my trust in the doctor who assures me this is a GOOD thing to go with.
So, sunday over, a new week begins tomorrow. The sun has been out and that makes all the difference to me. Glorious.
Here are the posh pics, with no messy people in them!

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Blogger JEFFY said...

Very beautiful furniture and very beautiful post. Don't forget to ask about the antibiotics.

1:50 am  
Blogger LosingSanity said...

Very beautiful! How nice to find such great deals and have the set match what you have!

Good luck at the doctor and also with your throat!

3:05 am  
Blogger Jenn said...

Oh queen of Ebay - You are posh indeed. The house looks absolutely FABULOUS! My gosh, it's like looking at a model home, I don't know how you do it, because even after my kids go to bed, there are stains on my carpet that refuse to leave, even after running a steam cleaner over them, and evidence of little people living here with their little people cushion chairs that cannot be hidden away in a toybox, and little mounds of clutter - toy parts that I can't bear to throw out, because they WILL notice. I need a whole room just to house junk that I 'might' need someday - Oh wait, I have that - it's called the basement.....
Your place looks good. I shall have to invite myself so I can plant my bum on your posh couch and declare it comfortable as well as gorgeous. Then I can listen to you all day, because you know that British people all sound posh and classy to us non-Brits. We can laugh and giggle over some tea and a nice salad ;) Good luck with your weigh-in!

5:16 am  
Blogger MamaTink said...

WOW!! That's some Beautiul furniture!! Good deal :)

I'm with Jenn...I'm going to have to come for tea and salad too :)

Good luck at the doctors.



2:00 pm  
Blogger Julie Q said...

The furniture looks wonderful Helen. I'd love to sit in that chair! Looks so cozy!

I hope you feel better soon Helen.

5:53 pm  

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