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Yes...this is ALL about me, and mine. Marvellously self indulgent, feel free to tell me how splendid I am, leave comments, nice ones please, I have little kids and teenagers who can do the rude stuff. I am a grandma, to the glorious Joshua, I'm allowed to look frazzled and weary, I earned it. The older I get, the more I see that hanging on and being patient is worth it! They ( whoever 'they' are) are so right when they say you never know what is around the corner, it isn't always an articulated truck! It is vital to make the time for making memories, friends are the greatest treasure, I love mine. I am rich!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Jack Sprat.

Nearly there. The garage at the new house is getting very full, this house is getting very empty. The phone is organised, gas paid for and hopefully delivered before we move in ( wednesday now...whoopie!) The mountain of cleaning supplies are bought and waiting for the day when this house is empty and I can get at every corner.
H is being H. Procrastinator extraordinaire, he waits, always, until the very, very last moment and then somehow manages to get it done. That might be because I have ( in my own impatient way) just done the bulk of it, leaving only his very personal stuff alone and doing everything else.
I have searched, bought, collected, bid for, emailed and secured most everything we need and want for our new home ( hooray for freecycle and ebay) new beds, trampoline, go kart, clothes airers, every utility, have called members of parliament ( re council house that will not be given up on) benefits agencies, housing offices.
I have donated, dumped, recycled and disposed of everything we don't need anymore.
I have organised moving vans, help, cleaning buddies.
I have had root canal work and been back today for it all to be done again ( bad pain, nice drugs, bad pain, short temper, bad pain) she stripped it again, refilled it with new medicine, gave me anti biotics and off I went again to the new house with more stuff. The pain is getting better, I went 5 hours without pain meds this evening. I think the pain now is more a result of having been drilled and stuck with needles and having my jaw wrenched open too far, rather than rotting teeth or infection. I hope anyway. I would hate to have to go back tomorrow.
H has pulled some weeds and I hope called AOL to get internet arranged.
I think he would like for us not to think about the move until tuesday and then just do it.
I think I would like to shake him quite hard and make him more like me.
It's just as well he reminds me of my dad and that his great qualities are so obvious because really......THIS MAKES ME SO MAD!!
It is so frustrating. I understand though that for him, my endless whirling and fussing could well be maddening for him. Too bad, it's how things get done. I did see how he works before we got married and saw quite clearly that he very often leaves things and then wishes he had started just a bit sooner doing what needs doing.
He found our 1st home about 3 days before we flew out from England, skin of teeth.
I might find it easier if he acknowledged how much I am doing but if he did that he would be acknowledging how little he is doing.....and we can't have that can we? I do know that when the day comes, he will be a star, he will work and pull it all together and I will look at him and smile again.
He will stand at the threshold of our home and tell people how amazing it is that it all fell in our laps and isn't it marvellous how these things just happen and HA! Clever us. Who'd have thought that could happen, just like that and how painless it all was and all.
All these things that he is trying not to tut and sigh about, all the stuff being done before it needs to be done, all those things that we don't need, everything that was fussed over and done without his say so or knowledge...he'll be thrilled about and will stand proud and marvel over. He just hates my micromanaging things, he gets crazy when I plan and organise so far in advance and he huffs and puffs and pretends he isn't grumpy or humouring me and my daft control freaky ways. He is gracious enough to grin when it all comes together so well though and will smile at the fact that yet again I was actually a bit right to do what I did.
We work together alright really, his silence and my tantrums, his waiting and my fussing, his relaxed manner and my frantic one.
It's never dull for me to see our various natures showing in the boys. Isaac organising his clothes for non uniform day ( which is tomorrow ...where did the week go?!?) Seth barely moving his head in order to tell Isaac to get some clothes ready for him. Elijah
talking and singing and asking where and what and how and why , Seth saying 'yeah, yeah I get it...tomorrow right? That's ages yet, I'm reading this right now, that can wait.'
I am longing for this time next week, new house, old one handed over and belonging to someone else. Will I be sad to leave here? I don't think so now. New beginnings, we probably should just make the most of how things are. If only the RAIN WOULD STOP! Is it really the first day of summer? Coulda fooled me and everyone else in England I imagine, how much more rain do we need ( or want?) I can handle it til tuesday and then? BRING ME SUNSHINE!!!

I hate moving house ...did I tell you that? I do ...I love new homes though, got to do one to have the other I suppose. I am excited about the new house. I really am.

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Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Hooray! Can't wait to see it when it's all homey and loved!



2:02 am  
Blogger TN said...

I'm happy everything is falling into place...(thanks to you) Ooops....don't let H see that. I think all men are alike. We do all the work and they take all the glory!!!

2:04 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your relationship sounds very much like mine. Maddening isn't it? Do like I did and have your appendix out or something on moving day. Then just sit back and relax...
I can't wait to see pictures from the new abode. I know it will be wonderful, like an entire summer holiday.

10:17 am  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Yay you have a new house! I have been so busy lately I'm just catching up on things....congratulations! I bet you will make it beautiful! Can't wait to see pictures!!

1:33 pm  
Blogger Ranni said...

Holy cow on the second root canal! Hope this one does the job and eases off very quickly for you. I've only ever had one but the dentist I went to is known for 'painless procedures' and I have to say, it didn't hurt afterwards much at all. (I can't take pain meds)

Mike likes to put things off as well usually but here lately we've changed places. He's fussing and I'm ignoring, lol. Good luck with your move.

6:44 pm  

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