And today...
My news for the day is as follows,
My daughter has found a new 'place'
With a man in his mid to late 40s
With tattoos covering half of his face.
My house is a scene of destruction
Filled with laundry and toys old and new
These 3 kids are a gaggle of crazy
Quiet times are both precious and few.
On top of all this, is a new thing
Something awful to me, something tough,
When I tell you what this other thing is
You will see why I'm finding it rough.
I think we are moving one more time
I do hope that we manage this move
To a house that I found that is perfect
And will allow me to follow my groove.
Three times did we move in the last year
I am sick of the whole bloody game
But the house we are in is so awful
I am willing to do it again.
This house has a smell that is evil,
It has rotten and springy old floors
It has carpets that make my poor feet itch
And we can't shut but half of the doors.
The landlady,well she's just hopeless
Holding hands out for more and more cash
When we call with a list of requirements
She invariably says she must dash.
We have ceilings with holes that are leaking,
We have water that pours on our face
When we just try and sit watching telly
Please Lord, help us get out of this place.
The new house is lovely and special,
I walked in and just knew it was home.
IF we get it, we'll stay and we'll settle,
Never more will we have need to roam.
It is big and has nice cheery bedrooms,
It is friendly and light, spacious too.
The best and most precious of pointers
Is it doesn't at ALL smell of poo.
It has parking that is built just for MY car
Has a workshop for H and what's more
It has carpet that looks kind of jazzy
And what's more, not a hole in the floor.
It has showers that work and a toilet
That is all on it's on so you see,
When I lie in the tub with my bubbles
Eli can go right on in and then pee.
It has courtyards to put all my tubs on,
A utility room just for me
I'm not sure why my H couldn't use it
Just seems that's the way it will be.
So I'm asking, if you all wouldn't mind please
For a prayer, or some vibes or a thought
That our lives take a turn for the better
That we live in this house that we sought.
Tomorrow a nice girl called Sally,
Will call the new owner and say
That we're splendid, she knows us and she'll vouch
That she knows that our rent we will pay.
She's been our house agent before now
And she likes us and thinks we are grand
And if she can persuade the new owner
We will soon have the keys in our hand.
Once more we will pack up our boxes
And the bags and the furniture too
And we'll hire a truck and we'll move out
Then we'll move right on into the new.
I am thanking you all in advance now
For praying or thinking and all that.
Then I'm sure that we'll get what we ask for
A new place we can hang up our hat.
Oh,I have managed to fix my old washer,
It's filter was filled with old crap,
I googled what could be the problem
And fixed it, without any 'chap'
Yes, I did it myself, I am clever,
I am marvellous, bright and switched on,
Now it empties and spins and I'm happy
That the huge laundry pile is gone.
I got down on my knees and I studied,
That washer, every last little bit,
And I found where the filter was hidden
And oh my would you look at this shit!

Yes, indeed that WAS all in the filter,
Blocking every drop from escape,
It's no wonder that thing wouldn't empty
When I saw that my mouth was agape!
When I saw that small figure with arms up,
I thought he was laughing at me,
Til I saw that it had to be Jesus
Because of that cross..can you see?
I cannot believe there are sticks there
And some plastic and money as well.
There's a sticker,there's blues clues and look there!
There's even some fingers..oh Hell!
Never mind though because I have done it,
I mended it, made it like new.
I am feeling incredibly happy, I am thrilled
Yes, I'm thrilled through and through.
There is some news that I just cannot share yet,
Though it's burning a hole in my head.
You will just have to wait for while yet,
Til I'm told that it's fine to be said.
Don't you hate it when people will do that?
When they give you a snippet and run?
I admit that I hate when YOU do that
When I do it though, it feels sort of fun.
Oh well I think it is time now,
To go up to bed and to sleep.
Don't forget when you say your goodnight prayers
To ask that the house will be ours soon to keep.
I am never quite sure how to end these,
These poems I write all the time,
So I'll just say goodnight and then hope that
I can make the last line fit with rhyme.
( Yeay I did !!)
My daughter has found a new 'place'
With a man in his mid to late 40s
With tattoos covering half of his face.
My house is a scene of destruction
Filled with laundry and toys old and new
These 3 kids are a gaggle of crazy
Quiet times are both precious and few.
On top of all this, is a new thing
Something awful to me, something tough,
When I tell you what this other thing is
You will see why I'm finding it rough.
I think we are moving one more time
I do hope that we manage this move
To a house that I found that is perfect
And will allow me to follow my groove.
Three times did we move in the last year
I am sick of the whole bloody game
But the house we are in is so awful
I am willing to do it again.
This house has a smell that is evil,
It has rotten and springy old floors
It has carpets that make my poor feet itch
And we can't shut but half of the doors.
The landlady,well she's just hopeless
Holding hands out for more and more cash
When we call with a list of requirements
She invariably says she must dash.
We have ceilings with holes that are leaking,
We have water that pours on our face
When we just try and sit watching telly
Please Lord, help us get out of this place.
The new house is lovely and special,
I walked in and just knew it was home.
IF we get it, we'll stay and we'll settle,
Never more will we have need to roam.
It is big and has nice cheery bedrooms,
It is friendly and light, spacious too.
The best and most precious of pointers
Is it doesn't at ALL smell of poo.
It has parking that is built just for MY car
Has a workshop for H and what's more
It has carpet that looks kind of jazzy
And what's more, not a hole in the floor.
It has showers that work and a toilet
That is all on it's on so you see,
When I lie in the tub with my bubbles
Eli can go right on in and then pee.
It has courtyards to put all my tubs on,
A utility room just for me
I'm not sure why my H couldn't use it
Just seems that's the way it will be.
So I'm asking, if you all wouldn't mind please
For a prayer, or some vibes or a thought
That our lives take a turn for the better
That we live in this house that we sought.
Tomorrow a nice girl called Sally,
Will call the new owner and say
That we're splendid, she knows us and she'll vouch
That she knows that our rent we will pay.
She's been our house agent before now
And she likes us and thinks we are grand
And if she can persuade the new owner
We will soon have the keys in our hand.
Once more we will pack up our boxes
And the bags and the furniture too
And we'll hire a truck and we'll move out
Then we'll move right on into the new.
I am thanking you all in advance now
For praying or thinking and all that.
Then I'm sure that we'll get what we ask for
A new place we can hang up our hat.
Oh,I have managed to fix my old washer,
It's filter was filled with old crap,
I googled what could be the problem
And fixed it, without any 'chap'
Yes, I did it myself, I am clever,
I am marvellous, bright and switched on,
Now it empties and spins and I'm happy
That the huge laundry pile is gone.
I got down on my knees and I studied,
That washer, every last little bit,
And I found where the filter was hidden
And oh my would you look at this shit!

Yes, indeed that WAS all in the filter,
Blocking every drop from escape,
It's no wonder that thing wouldn't empty
When I saw that my mouth was agape!
When I saw that small figure with arms up,
I thought he was laughing at me,
Til I saw that it had to be Jesus
Because of that cross..can you see?
I cannot believe there are sticks there
And some plastic and money as well.
There's a sticker,there's blues clues and look there!
There's even some fingers..oh Hell!
Never mind though because I have done it,
I mended it, made it like new.
I am feeling incredibly happy, I am thrilled
Yes, I'm thrilled through and through.
There is some news that I just cannot share yet,
Though it's burning a hole in my head.
You will just have to wait for while yet,
Til I'm told that it's fine to be said.
Don't you hate it when people will do that?
When they give you a snippet and run?
I admit that I hate when YOU do that
When I do it though, it feels sort of fun.
Oh well I think it is time now,
To go up to bed and to sleep.
Don't forget when you say your goodnight prayers
To ask that the house will be ours soon to keep.
I am never quite sure how to end these,
These poems I write all the time,
So I'll just say goodnight and then hope that
I can make the last line fit with rhyme.
( Yeay I did !!)
Labels: just stuff., new home
Helen, you are so good with words. Whay don't you do that for money????? TN
I can't even spell!!! LOL
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...hope the house deal works out for you!
And all this rhyming has me wanting to rhyme my very own
Prayers coming your way. I do hope that this new home works out, however, if not I pray for something even better because I believe its what you need, not to mention deserve.
I also must add... It is said that Karma is a b.i.t.c.h. I think that when something does work out and you are able to tell your landlady exactly where you would like her to shove it you won't be the one needing to worry about being "nice" - after all that she has dragged you and yours through - it will just be karma coming back to bite her in her own.
And P.S. that wasn't very nice to leave us hanging like that. Hope everything is okay.
Said a prayer, keeping positive thoughts for you Helen.
For Sophie too. I'd be soooo worried if that were my big girl. (((Big Hugs)))
Oh and wondering just what is behind that snippet!!
brilliant as always. keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Prayers coming from here, too, Helen. You deserve for everything to work out brilliantly.
I wrote this about your last poem but the blog monster ate it -- you really should try to make some money writing. I know I would read your memoirs!
I still want to send you a Christmas card, so send me your address!
The 40 year old would worry me but I'm learning fast that's a what can you do thing. I wish I knew why our kids have to go and make these...decisions. When I look back at my own, I see what I learned and how they helped me grow. That's my wish for Sophie and my own, that they'll learn from their mistakes and use them to reshape the future.
Love your poems!
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