It was huge, HUGE, I am so emotional because it was just so perfect.
Most memorable moments....
H coming downstairs in a costume saying " Oooh it is just TOO tight"
He had somehow ( and how impressive) squeezed into the age 7-8 costume Seth had refused to wear!!) I whistled as I tried to help him get out of it and showedhim his costume that was still in the bag!!
Elijah falling in love with Imogen who is a toddling tiny girl, kissing her and saying " don't pull his ears, duss tiss him"
Losing count of people saying " Isaac is amazing...look at him!! Because he was wearing a costume, playing with everybody, joining in the activities and just totally happy.
Watching my sister Julie 47, and Sall,. no idea how old but about the same as Julie....sitting on the couch discussing the fact that they are both peri-menopausal ( during the blissful between party time) Julie stopped talking to look at Billy in his mummy costume..forgot what she was saying ...Sally saying "you were saying something really interesting then..what was it? " and Julie replying " Was I? I thought you were talking" thus proving to us all that they are probably right.
When most everyone had gone home and we had but a few people sitting in the lounge, hearing a little girl of about 12 say " Oh..this has been lovely, I have so many memories today, real memories I am going to writ eall of this in my journal" If no-one else had had any fun at all..that alone would have made everything worthwhile.
Everyone being excited about the fact that they would be on my blog.
The fact that although he held back on the preparations , H is beyond a star at the rest....he cleaned in between parties and now, I am sitting here
in a spotless house, we are packed, cleaned vacuumed, and I have my feet up. He also took the boys upstairs at 8.30 and settled them down for the night. Heaven... I so know why I love this man.
Seeing Sophie looking beautiful and happy to be here.
Watching her friend come down in a short skirt,scoot back upstairs when she heard that people from church were coming and coming back down in trousers. Respect in a teenager is priceless.
Seeing people of all ages just enjoying each other, having fun in my house.
The fact that the teenagers needed nothing from us..being able to sit and talk and laugh with the grown ups while they teens were in the scary room eating everything in sight and just raising the roof with their noise and laughing.
The eating cream covered doughnuts from a string competetion. The pictures will show you!
Elijah running from wherever he was in the house when he heard the song " Dem bones" and standing right next to the laptop and grooving baby.
Knowing that when you look at the pictures, you will say "I sent that!!" and know that because of you this was THIS good, this successful. Thankyou.